Chapter 59

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They're gone.

Out of sight.

I just let them leave.

As soon as they pulled away, out of sight, I dropped to my knees crying.

I've never cried this much, except the time I lost my dad.

I've never cried over a guy this much.

It's just..Michael.

Michael Gordon Clifford.

I spend half an hour in thw same position crying.

I'm sure the neighbors think I've gone crazy and had probably called the cops by now; I don't care.

If only you knew how much I hurt.

I slowly pull myself back up to my feet, and walk inside. A damsel in distress.

I slam the door shut and lock it.

I go around the house closing all blinds and turning off all lights.

I want to be in complete darkness. Silence.

I grab a few pillows and blankets off the recliner chair. I throw the pillows on the sofa and throw the blankets on top of me.

The tears fall, they never seem to stop.

My phone lights up with a message from Cal.

New Message: Cal-Pal.

Cal: How'ya holding up?

Just fine. despite the fact I'm in complete darkness, spent a half hour after you guys left in the same spot crying, now cuddled on the sofa. dieing on the inside, crying on the out.

Awh, Madison :( I'm sorry. Michael isn't doing well either. he's been crying the past two hours.

I don't believe it

believe it.

I really miss you guys

we miss you too. gotta go. gonna try to get some sleep. ill tall to you later.


love you, Madison.

love you too.

Calum must've known I wasn't doing well, even if he is miles away. I just want them all home.

When they return, I'll never let them leave again. Ever.

I close my eyes and Michael's image pops into my head. His lavender, now blonde, hair styled perfectly. His eyebrow piercing. His earring. Him. Even his tattoos.

I remember when I found out about his changes. I did not like them.

I laugh at the thought of Michael.

He's perfect.

I want his arms around me.

I want him to carry me to bed.

I want to kiss him.

I don't want to cry anymore.

Michael is my everything. I hope one day I'll be able to be with him forever.

Then, there's the other three.

God, how I miss them, too.

They're the party of the house.

When they're all gone, it's dead. No noise. Nothing.

I'd rather them fight and argue than be home alone for a whole year waiting to be united again.

I don't know how I do it, but I'm doing it.

Just, please..

Bring them back to me..



So, clearly I didn't go to my cousins house.

I tried to kinda base this chapter on long distance relationship (I know, its awful)

My cousins sister, actually, is dating a marine and they'd only get to be together one week or weekend throughout a month, less than that, before he had to leave again.

After graduation last year, she moved to North Carolina to be with him. But, before she moved in with him, all they'd do was argue.

So, I guess you can kinda say that's basically how this story kinda is. I dunno.

I hope you enjoyed this short chapter!

I love you!

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