Chapter 21

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"I'm so sorry for everything I've done, Michael." I say, catching my breath, as Michael Hoovers over me. He's really sexy when he's sweaty.

"Madi, we've already discussed this. I'm okay." He lays beside me catching his breath too.

"Yeah, well I wasn't. It killed me not talking to you for a week. It was hard, too, because, obviously, we live together. Mikey, I promise I'll never do anything like that again." I kiss his cheek, and sigh.

I've been working a lot lately at the grocery store across the street. I'm struggling to pay rent. I'm struggling to provide for the five of us. I'm struggling.

"Work?" Michael asks running his finger up and down my arm.

"Yeah. I hate it." I sigh and roll over so we're facing each other.

"Then, quit. Its that simple."

"For you, maybe. But, if I don't work, who's going to pay the rent? And who's going to provide for the five of us?"

"Madi, we each put our pay in for the rent. And we'll provide for all of us. At least I will."

"Thanks for trying, Michael, but..I'm fine." I get up and grab my uniform.

I take a shower and get dressed for work. I brush and blow dry my hair. I let it dangle behind my shoulders as I effortlessly apply some makeup.

I finish up, and open the bathroom door. Michael is standing with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"What the heck?" I just laugh and moved out of the door way for him

"What? Is it wrong for an eighteen year old to stand outside the bathroom door in just a towel?" Michael acts more like a drama queen than actual drama queens. He moves his hands in a sassy way, and pretends to flip his hair behind his shoulder. "Woman these days, I tell you. Ugh!" He closes the door, and I walk to my room to retrieve my things.

I slide my phone in my back pocket, and put my name tag on. I straighten up and feel a body behind me. I turn around to find, not Michael, but Ashton.

"Holy hell, Ashton!" I hold my chest as I talk, "You scared the crap out of me!"

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to tell you ."

"Tell me what?" I ask forcing him to look at me.

"Tell you that Michael is passed out in your bathtub." Ashton shrugs and smiles.

"Really? That's what you wanted to tell me?" I laugh and make my way to the bathroom. And of course, Michael was asleep in the tub.

"Told you." Ashton walks away as I try to wake Michael.

"Michael, wake up. Michael, I'm not doing this again." I finally turn on the shower to cold and close the curtain. In an instant, he's awake.

"What the actual hell! Help me! Someone! I'm drowning!" He stands up and pulls the curtain off.

I just stand by and laugh my ass off. I know I should be helping him, but I'm laughing too hard to even help myself.

"Madison Hailey Maynard!" Michael turns off the shower and gets out of the tub, completely soaked.

"I'm so sorry, its hilarious." I say in-between laughs.

"I need a hug. Come here." He starts walking towards me, and I run.

"Nope!" We run around the upstairs. I decide to take it to extremes and run down the steps.

"Madison!" Michael yells as he carefully runs down them after me. "I swear, once I get you, you're dead."

I run even faster, and out the door. Michael follows, like an idiot. His towel is barely on his waist. He's having to hold it and run after me. All soaking wet. People are snapping pictures as Michael Clifford is running outside of an apartment, with just a towel on. Not to mention, after a girl.

I stop running to catch my breath and at that moment, I felt two wet arms wrap around my stomach. I screech and laugh both at the same time.

"I will forever hate you when those pictures hit the internet." He swipes his wet pink hair out of his face and squeezes me harder.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think that many people would be out." I get out of his grip and turn towards him.

"Think again, M&M." M&M, the nickname Michael gave me when he found out my name was Madison Maynard. Since then, he's called me M&M, only on occasions though.

"I'm sorry, Mikey." I kiss him, and forget the fact we're in public and he only has a towel on.

"If I have to walk around naked, so do you." He smiles at the thought.

"I don't think so. I'm a girl, and I'm dressed for work." I laugh and refuse to undress.

"So, you can always change when you get to work."

"I'm sorry, but no. Maybe another time." We start to walk towards the apartment again. When we arrive, I have to leave for work. "I've got to go. I'll be home around eleven after I close up, okay?" I kiss him once again and slowly back away.

"I'll be waiting." Michael kisses my lips once again. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I slowly but surly make my way to work.

Another five hours to go..


Okay, so, maybe this chapter is crap, too. I'm trying to make it better, I really am! I ♥ You!!

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