Chapter 5

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Oh, I forgot to tell you; I work at the ice-cream shoppe the guys and I always hang out at. It pays decent enough to get my rent money every month.

I throw on my uniform, and head to work. I didn't bother waking up the guys and telling them. But, I did leave a note telling them to lock up when they leave.

When I get to work, its already packed with customers. My coworker, Alex, urges me to move faster as he struggles to complete the orders.

"Having trouble, Alex?" I ask stepping behind the counter.

"This isn't funny, Madi." Alex says as he hands the customer his order.

"I didn't say it was?" I say, sounding more like a question.

"We've been busy all morning. I was hoping you didn't have the day off."

"Nope, I don't have today off." I say before handing him another order ticket.

The place gets so loud, I can barely hear the customers order. I manage to get it right, though.

"We've never been this busy. Why now?" I ask giving three customers their order with a small smile.

"Because, these teenagers in here heard that the boys of 5 Seconds Of Summer have been coming here lately, and they want to see if its true." Alex says wiping his brow with the back of his palm.

"Oh boy..I've gotta let them know," I say sliding my phone out of my back pocket.

"Its no use, they'll show up anyway. How are you going to tell them, anyway?"

"I'm friends with Michael, the one with the crazy hair," I laugh as I text Michael.

"Seriously? You're friends with them?" Alex laughs as the place begins to die down.

"Yes, what's so wrong with that?" I ask leaning on the counter.

"Its hard to believe, honestly. You're one of those people to be friends with the popular crowd."

"Technically, he is. But, we've been friends for a while now. Beginning of year seven, actually." I say as I focus on taking a customers order.

"What does Blake think about it?" Alex asks, making a blueberry smoothie.

"He hates them."

"That's no surprise." Alex says handing the smoothie to the customer.

Alex is Blake's best friend, and for a while, Alex disapproved of us being together. Alex hated me.

Around closing time, the band marches in.

"Go away!" Alex yells as he leaves the counter. "Goodnight, Madi."

"Night, Alex." I say waving.

"What's his problem?" Calum asks with a look upon his face.

"Its been a long night. Besides, he was just joking." I say as I take their orders.

"Yeah, okay." Calum says, taking his ice-cream cone.

"I get off in five minutes, praise the Lord!" I say running my fingers through my blonde wavy hair.

"Maybe then you can hang with us!" Ashton says with a hopeful smile.

"Actually, I'm supposed to see Blake. He should be here any minute." I say, as if on cue, Blake walks through the door. His hair is styled up, his jeans looking fine as hell on him, and a flannel shirt that shows off his muscles.

"Hey, Madi." Blake says giving me a Peck on the cheek

"Hey, babe." I say smiling. "What would you like?"

"Nothing, I just came to wait for you to get off so we can do whatever." He says shoving his hands in his front pockets.

"Okay. Take a seat, I don't get off for another three minutes." I say as if that's a bad thing.

Blake takes a seat behind the guys, and scoffs at Michael. I am seriously getting fed up with his crap.

The three minutes slowly passes by, and I couldn't be any happier. Its noon, and I am tired.

I take the seat across from Blake, and he just stares me down.

"What?" I say uncomfortably.

"Did you sleep with that Michael dude?" Blake says crossing his arms over his chest

"Ew! No!" I say, once again covering my eyes. "He's my best friend. I could never." I emphasize the word never.

"Funny thing. Because when I went to your house last night, I peeked through the window and seen you in the bed with him."

"Okay; First, why were you creeping around my house last night? And second, why did you peek through my window at nearly midnight?" I ask, demanding an answer.

"I seen them show up at your house after I left, and I thought I'd stick around a bit. And second; I wanted to know if you and Michael are sleeping together."

"No, we're not." I say standing up, the scoot of the chair making a loud screeching noise.

"Good," he says doing the same, "I'd hate to murder someone."

"Trust me, you won't have to."

I walk over to the guys's table and let them know I'm leaving.

"So soon?" Luke asks with a pout.

"Yeah, Blake doesn't know what we're doing yet." I say rubbing my temples.

"Actually, I do know." Blake appears beside me.

"What?" I ask turning to face him.

"We're gonna stay with these four," An evil grin comes over his face as he slides in the booth beside Michael.

"Uhm, okay?" Michael and I both say at the same time.

I take a seat in-between the two to revolve around any fight between the two.

"Madi, why are you with him, again?" Michael whispers in my ear.

"Because, I love him." I quietly say as I smile

"Whatever." Mikey scoffs at the thought.

The rest of the day we all spend at my place. Tonight, the guys are staying at their place. I don't care how much they beg and plead.

Blake goes home around dinner to eat with his mum. Everyone else stays at my apartment.

"You four are staying at your place tonight," I confirm as I sit back on the sofa.

"Why?" Ashton whines.

"Because, I said so."

"But, we like it way better here."

"Too bad." I say with a slight smile. "I like it here, too."

"You're evil." Michael says as he narrows his eyes at me.

"Thanks, I know!" I say smiling.

Its past nine o'clock when they all head out for their place. I lock the door, and head for the shower.

I turn off the lights, and crawl into bed. What a lovely night it was.

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