Chapter 41

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Madi has me all worked up. She's just too cute.

I try to focus on playing the guitar, instead of Madi's soft lips.

Just as it gets easier, Madi appears in the crowd. In the middle. Right where I can see her.

I smile, and look down.

"Michael, are you alright?" Calum says into the mic.

"Yeah," I reply smiling. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just happy."

He nods.

Before I know it, Luke is singing again.

"I don't even like you, why'd you want to go and make me feel this way? I don't understand what's happened, I keep saying things I never say."

I grab the mic, "I can feel you watching, even when you're nowhere to be seen. I can feel you touching, even when you're far away from me!"

"Tell me where you hide your voodoo doll, cause I can't control myself. I don't wanna stay, I wanna run away, but I'm trapped under your spell."

"And it hurts in my head, in my heart, in my chest, and I'm having trouble catching my breath..ooh, ooh. Won't you please stop loving me to death."

I look up and wink. Mostly for Madi, but to the crowd.

I honestly hate that I love Madi. She deserves much better.


We return backstage a sweaty mess.

"We've been here two days and Michael hasn't flirt with any of the fans." Ashton says

"Probably because I like to stay faithful in a relationship." I chug a bottle of water, and throw the empty bottle away.

"Uh, not really. I mean, a few weeks ago you weren't." Luke shrugs and heads to his dressing room.

"Damn it, he's right." I sigh and go to my dressing room.

Truth be told; I cheated on Madi. I don't consider it cheating, but, everyone else does.

The four of us went to a party, and, of course, I had some alcohol. Well, there was this really pretty girl. She was into me, I was into her. I took too many shots of alcohol. I went over to talk to her. When I did, I was too drunk to even know what I was doing and..I made out with her. Her name, that's not important. It was a one time thing. Everyone still judges me because of that. Gladly, Madi doesn't know.

If she does, she has a good way of hiding it.


"Just a second." I quickly put on my sweatpants I had on earlier and open the door. "What's up?"

"Uhm..did you know your pants are on backwards?" Madi chuckles.

I look down and see. "No, I did not."

"Well, they are."

"I'll be back." I close the door and switch my pants around. I open it again. "I'm back."


"Hi. What's your name, pretty lady?" I ask wrapping an arm around her.

"Madison. What is yours?" Madi smiles.


"Ooh, I hate that name.." She scrunches her nose up and slowly backs away.


"No!" She kisses me, and I forget about everything. Too bad it doesn't last.

Minutes later, we're on the couch with the others.

"So, Michael, how are you liking tour?"

"I love it." I smile

"You haven't cheated on me, or are cheating on me, have you?" Madi raises an eyebrow at me.

"N-no." Shit. I stuttered.

Luke clears his throat. I narrow my eyes at him. I swear, if he says anything, I'll hurt him.

"Then, why'd you stutter?" Madi asks directing her attention back to me.

"Because, I-I would never." Lieee.

"You only stutter when you lie, or are very nervous. You stuttered twice in a row." Madi stands up to leave.

"Madi, I swear." I grab her wrist and try to pull her back down.

Luke, Ashton and Calum all cough.

"Do you fucking mind?" I angrily say.

"Sorry, man. There must be something going around." Ashton says pretending to cough again.

"Yeah, your heads in a minute." I mumble.

"Do they know something I don't?" Madi asks placing her hands on her hips.

"No. No." I assure her.

"I don't believe you. Cal," Madi innocently makes her way to Calum, "do you know something I don't?"

Calum is the one to crack under Madi's spell. Its not even cool. You could be hiding something from Madi, and she'd go straight to Calum because she knows he'll tell her.

Calum looks at me before swallowing.

I narrow my eyes at him.

"Nope. Not a thing." Calum scratches the back of his neck and gets up.

"Calum!" Madi calls. He ignores her. Good.

Madi looks at Ashton and Luke. Thankfully, they're better at hiding things than Calum. Unfortunately, Luke really wants to tell her.

I sigh. This is where Madi will find out the truth.

Luke bites the inside of his lip and walks away, Ashton following.

"Is it that bad? Or am I just that ugly?" Madi questions.

"You're never ugly."

"To everyone else I am." She sighs then looks at me, "Why can't you tell me?"

"Madi, I want to. I really do. But-"

"Then tell me." Madi begs, her puppy dog eyes.

"I just can't."

She sighs, rolls her eyes, then walks away.

I really messed up this time..

Hey guys! How are you?

So, this might be the last update for a while. School starts Wednesday, and I have to get prepared.

I'll have only the weekends [Fridays and Saturdays] to update around school.

Honestly, I hate school. I'm so scared to go back. I don't know why, I just am.


I hope you liked this chapter!

Do you think that Michael will eventually tell her the rest of the truth?

Who do you think Madi looks like? (She's got light blonde hair, and blue diamond eyes. She's really tan, too.)

I sorta think of Ali Simpson.

I hope you enjoyed this part!

I love you! ♥

Vote, Comment, Share, Enjoy! :)

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