Chapter 31

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"Madi!" Ashton yells in my face, causing me to slap him in my sleep. I instantly wake up when I realize what I had done.

"Ashton! Hell! What do you want? And why are you in my room?" I sit up on my bed and check the time, "At two in the morning! Ashton, this better be important."

"It is," he rubs his face where I had slapped it. "We're hungry, and we wanted to know if you would like to come to the bar with us for some food and alcohol."


"Yes, seriously. We've done rummaged through the refrigerator, there's nothing."

"Well, that's your guys's fault. You went grocery shopping last." I laugh and rub my eyes, sleepily.


"Fine. Let me put appropriate clothes on." I get out of bed, and walk to my dresser, pulling out sweatpants.

I start to take off my Pajama pants when I realize Ashton is still in here.

"You have to go." I push him out of my room.

"But why? That view was actually nice." Ashton laughs, and my face goes hot.

"Ashton! I'm dating your best friend! You shouldn't!"

"Madi, I'm gonna tell you something. But, you can't be surprised." He finally stops laughing, and wipes his forehead.

"What?" I say, one hand on my hip.

"We all actually find you attractive in some way. Your personality, or your looks. Maybe both. We all like you just a bit, too. Michael likes you the most. Besides, I wouldn't date you anyway. You're too Michael type for me."

"Thanks, that makes me feel better." I sarcastically say.

"Just saying." He leaves, and I close the door to continue getting dressed.

I throw on a tank top with a jacket, and my sweats I already had out. I put my hair in a loose ponytail.

I slip my shoes on, and head to everyone else.

"Ready?" Michael asks standing up.

"Yep, I'm ready." I take his hand as we walk out the door, closing it behind us.

"Why are you wearing a jacket, Madi?" Calum asks walking in front of us with Ashton and Luke.

"Because, these summer nights are cold." (I know, it's fall in Australia. Just go along with the imagination.)

"True. But, we're not wearing one."

"True. But, I'm wearing a tank top." Before Calum could respond, we're at the bar. I really hate this place. I couldn't refuse though.

The bartender takes our order, and I'm surprised to know they have food. She gives us our orders, and continues with her job.

I didn't order alcohol. I got water instead. I know; 'why go to a bar and get water to drink?' Well, because I'm not really into drinking. I do occasionally, but not all the time. It's very rare to see a drink in my hand.

"So, Madi. How've you been?" Luke asks, a mouth full of food.

"Really? You should know, you live with me."

"Yes, but, we rarely talk. You and Michael are alw-"

"I'm doing good. How have you been?" I cut him off. I don't really want or like to talk about Michael and I having sex in the open.

"I'm good." Luke responds.

"Madi, are you embarrassed that we have sex? Is that why you don't want to ever talk about in front of everyone?" Michael asks, his words full of anger.

"No! No, no. It's just, I'm not used to talking about sex in the open. Especially when it was my first time." I quickly say before taking a bite of my food.

"Wait, what?" Luke, Calum, and Ashton all say together.

"Michael was your first time?" Calum asks, surprised.

"Yes. Michael was the one to take my virginity."

"Wow! That's a shock! I thought for sure you had sex with Blake!" Luke says, laughing.

"No, I didn't. I wasn't comfortable with it."

"And you chose Michael?" Ashton says patting Michael on the back.

"Yes. Look, can we change the subject? I'm still not comfortable with talking about it."

"So, you're not ashamed? Or embarrassed?" Michael asks, ignoring my last sentence.

"No. I'm not. If I could, I'd proudly tell the whole world."

"Do it. You have twitter." He's right..And thousands of people follow me. All because I know 5SOS

"Michael, I can't just type 'hey everyone, I had sex with @Michael5SOS three times.'"

"Why not? If I can, you can." Michael smirks.

I instantly take my phone out and check twitter. I have tons of new followers and mentions. I go straight to Michael's twitter page and read his tweets up until the day we had slept together.

"Michael! You liar!" I punch his arm, and put my phone away.

He and the other three just laugh.

"Madi, you should've seen your face and how quickly you grabbed your phone." Michael rubs his arm where I punched it. "Do you really think I'd do that?"

"Yes, Michael, I do. I've known you for eight years, and I know you'd do something like that. Heck, when you and Alisha had sex, you put it on Facebook." I finish my food, and drink my water.

"Hey, I was fifteen."

"Yeah, and you're eighteen now. That doesn't mean anything."

"Madi, I wouldn't do that to you." He grabs my hand, brings it up to his lips, and kisses my knuckles. "I'm not Blake."

"Wait, what? What do you mean by 'I'm not Blake,'?" I narrow my eyes at, not only him, but all four of them.

"You haven't heard?" Ashton questions.

"Heard what?" I ask straightening up.

"Oh boy.." Michael says.

"Heard what? What haven't I heard?"



Cliffhanger! You just love them, right? First one I've done in this story.

What do you think Blake did/said?

What do you think Madi will do/say/think?

Update on the trip; It has been postponed until September 13 (blahh!) I really don't want to go, because that's a month after school starts, and I'll be too wore out to go. Besides, I probably wont have the money to go. But in a way I'm glad because I don't have to wake up at 4 in the morning Saturday. So, yay!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even if it wasn't the best.

Follow me on twitter so we can fangirl about 5SOS! I follow back!  @_Rachel_Sears

I love you!! ♥

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