Chapter 40

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"Knock, knock." Ashton says as he and Luke come through the door.

"Hello, boys." I say.

"Michael, we came to get you. We have to do band practice." Ashton says sitting on the bed Calum and I had just been on.

"Shit, that's right." Michael sighs. He let's go of my waist, and walks out the door. I guess he's going to change clothes.

"So, Madi. Did you guys get freaky last night after I left?" Luke asks raising his eyebrows.

"Luke! Seriously!" I hide my face in my hands as I feel it turn hot. "Why are you guys interested in my sex life? First Calum, then you!" I grunt and sit on the other bed.

"Is that a problem?"

"Kinda. I'm still not comfortable talking about it." I shrug

"Why not? It's just sex." Luke and Ashton sit on each side of me.

"Just sex to you. Its..weird for me."

"How is it weird? Because it was with Michael?" Ashton asks.

"No. I've just never really liked talking about my sex life."

"Madi, you're gonna have to open up about it someday." Luke says

It's silent for a while. Until Luke shoves into me.

I scoot over and bump into Ashton. Either way, I'll be shoved into one or the other.

"I'm ready." Michael returns. He changed out of his pajamas into sweatpants and a T-shirt. And, of course, he's doing what he does best, playing on his phone.

"Okay," Luke says as he and Ashton get up. "Madi, are you not coming?"

"I don't know. I'm not sure." I lay back on the bed.

"Please!" All four of them beg. When did Calum appear?

I sigh and say, "Fiiinnnee."

"Yay!" They jump around the room like little kids.

I slowly get up and make my way to the door. Michael instantly wraps me in his arms.


We get to the arena, and I take a seat in the very back of the seating.

"Madi, why so far away?" Michael asks into a mic

"The further away I am, the better it sounds."

"Hahaha.." Michael says.

"Bitch." Ashton mumbles, playfully.

"Thank you!" I smile.

Soon, people start filing in and I get up. I end up closer to them than I wanted to be.

"Hi." Michael cheeky smiles

"Hi." I smile back. "Actually, you don't sound that bad up close."

"And you don't sound that bad down below." Michael smirks, and the other three snicker.

"Guess you'll never hear it anymore." I shrug and innocently smile

"Why not!?" I guess he's unaware that he's talking into the microphone still.

I lean over to the mic and say, "Because, you don't sound bad when you're not talking."

His face turns red. I'm not sure with anger or embarrassment. I shrug it off, and walk backstage.

A few minutes later, the four join.

"Madi..I am so sorry." Michael rushes over to my side.

I laugh and say, "Michael, I was kidding."

"Good, good." He sighs in relief and goes to his dressing room.

"You guys disgust me." Calum says with a shiver.

"You're just jealous."

"Maybe, maybe not." He laughs.

I find the nearest thing, and throw it at him; A Kleenex box.

"Ouch!" He rubs his arm and goes into his dressing room.

Thirty minutes later, they all come out looking stunning. 

"Its about time someone dresses you guys right." I say, my eyes not leaving my phone.

"How would you know? You're too busy in your phone." Ashton says.

"I just know."

A few minutes later, the same Kleenex box I threw at Calum hits me, knocking my phone out of my hand.


"Nope." Calum smiles and points to his right.

"Hey, Mikey." I sweetly smile.

"No, Madi, I swear." Michael puts his hands up in innocence as I walk closer to him.

"It'd be a shame if someone..oh, I don't know..ruined your makeup." I put some water on my hand and get closer.

"Please, I'm begging you." He backs away and slams into the wall. He curses under his breath.

"Too late." I kiss him, and wipe the water off on his shirt.

Michael caresses his hands to my back.

I pull away saying, "And you thought I meant the water."

"Why else would you put water in your hand?" He grabs his guitar and slings it around his shoulder.

"Because, I wanted to see your reaction."

He smiles, and they head for the stage. I'm supposed to be in the crowd..oops.

"Oh, wait," Michael appears around the corner. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I give him a kiss, and he escapes again.

"You guys are so cute." A crew member says.

I smile and say a 'thank you' before watching them backstage.

They truly are wonderful.


Hey, everyone. How are you?

I've been busy today. Went to a family reunion from 12-4. Then, school shopping.

School is quickly approaching. I wont post much. Monday may be the last update for a while.

And to all y'all who don't start school for another while LUCKY! SWITCH ME!!!

anyways..I love you and hope you enjoyed this crappy chapter.

Vote, Comment, Share, Enjoy! :)

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