Chapter 24

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Michael is the first to wake up. I get woken up to Michael staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me? How long have you been doing that?" I ask rolling over. Our lips briefly touched.

"Because you're just so beautiful. I can't help myself. I've been doing this for quite sometime now." Michael lays his arm across my stomach, and pulls me close.

"Well, thank you. But, didn't your mum tell you its not polite to stare at people?"

"Yes, but she said if I can't help myself, then they must be very beautiful. So, therefore, you're very beautiful." He kisses my shoulder then says, "My mum loves you, Madi. She wants you to come visit her sometime."

"I love her, too. I want to try to stop by and visit her. But, with work and everything, it gets hard." I sigh.

"Well, the next time you're off, go visit her. Considering we've already wasted this day off." Michael laughs and rubs his eyes.

"Its not wasted. Its spent well with someone I love, very much."

"Madi, you don't mean that. In fact, I remember seven years ago when I first expressed my love to you. I told you these exact words, 'Madison Hailey Maynard, I love you so so much. You're the best thing that's happened to me in so long, I never want to let you go. I'd die if you left me. And I know, you don't like me more than a friend. I love you so much.'"

"Oh remember that? I thought you'd forget that." I say putting my hands over my eyes and start to laugh.

"Of course I do. I'll never forget the day I got my heartbroken by my best friend. I thought I was the shit back in year seven." We both start to laugh.

"Yeah, we all did." We went to school with Ashton, Calum, and Luke. I just never really hung out with them. I was always more interested in hanging out with Michael and some of my lady friends. Since then, we've all drifted apart and the only friends I still have are..well, you know.

"Yes, but, I was probably the one with the biggest ego."

"That's true. You did have the biggest ego. Especially after you had sex with almost every girl you dated." I sit up in my bed, and cross my legs.

Michael slept with at least eight girls throughout high school. I mean, who wouldn't want to sleep with Michael? He's funny and very attractive. I'm not saying Michael's a manwhore or anything, but, he just slept around with too many girls.

I feel guilty for thinking that, then sleeping with him..I do..

"Hey! I have you know, it was only seven out of eight. Malaysia never slept with me. I didn't want her to if she didn't want to. She said that her parents would shun her if she had sex before marriage. I didn't want that, so..we decided to just not have sex. Madi, this is awkward talking about my sex life with you." Michael sits up and rubs his temple.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just thought you had sex with every girl you date."

"I know. But, to be honest..this is going to be even more awkward..but, uhh..I only wanted to sleep with you in high school. Every since you hit puberty, and your body started to develop..I couldn't control myself. I tried, I really did. Malaysia and I broke up right when I started gaining feelings for you. Yeah, I dated Alisha, but, I still couldn't stop thinking of you. During sex, I would imagine you. I even let your name slip a few times. So, our sex life is basically what broke us up.." Michael confesses.

I ruined his relationship all because puberty.

"M-Michael, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to break you guys up.."

"Madi, you didn't, puberty did." Michael laughs.

"Well, puberty and I both did." We both laugh, and lie back down.

We continue to lay in bed and just talk about everything.

I never realized how much I could actually love my best friend. It just takes simple things like this to prove it. I can say I'm in love with Michael Gordon Clifford.

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