Chapter 46

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Ashton came downstairs, with a frown..Ashton never frowns.

"D-did you know Madi's dad died four years ago?" Ashton asks in a low whisper when Madi escapes the living area.

Calum and Luke reply with a no. I reply with a, "Yes. I know he did."

"Why haven't you told us?"

"Because, I didn't know I was supposed to."

Before any of them could reply, Madi returns. She plops down on the sofa between Calum and I.

"I'm so tired." Madi rests her head on my shoulder with a yawn.

"Why have you been sleeping so much?" I ask wrapping an arm around her.

"Well, last night when you four returned, I had just gotten home from the airport. Any other time, I don't know. Sleeping just occurs naturally to me."

"Well..." I trail on.

"Well what?"

"I was hoping we could go get some ice-cream, then head for a swim."

"I'm down for the ice-cream part." Madi's head instantly shoots up.

"But, what about the swim part?" I ask.

"I cannot fit into my swimsuit anymore. I tried it on the other day, it was too little."

"We can buy you another one."

"Michael, you don't even use your money for that kind of stuff. You use it on tattoos, like the recent one near your elbow. Piercings, like your ears and eyebrow; hopefully nothing else. And hair dye, including your recently done lavender hair."

"Hey, I like my changes."

"I didn't say I didn't. I just said you don't use your money for clothes. I mean, you only own, like, three pairs of jeans. And for heavens sake, your shirts have holes all in them." Madi points to a hole in my shirt, "If you're gonna buy anyone anything, it's gonna be buying you new clothes."

"Madiiii." I whine. "I like my clothes."

"Yeah, and millions of girls like to see you record songs nude. Sadly, we all have to move on from it, and buy new clothes!"

"Fine!" I give up. "But, you're also getting you a new swimsuit."

"I don't think so." Madi smiles and walks towards the steps.

"You did like that nude picture, didn't you?" I ask with a smirk.

"Michael, really?" Everyone says, including Madi.

"Didn't you?"

"I avoided it. Michael, we were friends at the time. I was in a relationship with Blake. I didn't need anything like that to pop up."

"You still could've liked it."

"Ya know what I liked?"


"When you first got naked in front of me."

"Madi.." My face turns hot of embarrassment. The first time I was nude in front of Madi was when I had sores on my lower region and I wanted her to look at it, my sores. She told me I had aids. Of course, Madi laughed. She's never been serious about things when I'm nude or half nude in front of her. Sucked for her, because, I hadn't had sex yet. I was fifteen.

"You were fifteen. It was..awkward..but funny." Madi laughs.

"For you, maybe. It wasn't for me. I actually thought I had aids. I told my mum. She beat the shit out of me, too. Man, that was the last time I told her anything sexual."

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