Chapter 29

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Madi and I had fallen asleep, and I assume the others left her room.

I get out of bed to go use the bathroom, but as soon as I do; I fall and land on a sleepy Luke. Luke rolls over, and holds me tight. He is very warm, and he's sleeping like an angel. I try to get up, but he holds me tighter. I decide to give up and just lay here until he's awake.

Twenty minutes pass, and I'm still in Luke's hold (plus, I still have to use the bathroom!)

"Good morning, Michael." Luke smiles and lets go of me.

"Good morning. I thought you three left." I say, continuing to lay there.

"Nah, we fell asleep on Madi's floor from laughing. I don't see how it was that funny, though." Luke stretches and yawns.

"I can see." I get up, and make my way to the bathroom. I do my business, brush my teeth, fix my hair, and put on some deodorant. I like to smell fresh in the mornings.

I return to find Madi on top of Luke as well. Luke has her in a tight cuddle, and she's struggling to escape.

I clear my throat and Madi looks at me with fear.

"Michael, no. It-It's not what it looks like. I promise." She's still struggling to escape his cuddle, but with no luck, she gives up.

"Well, what does it look like?" I ask slowly walking towards the two

"That we were...yeah.."

I laugh at her sentence. "It did." I join Luke in cuddling Madi. So now, it's a three person cuddle. Eventually, Calum and Ashton join us. Don't worry, Madi can still breathe.

"Excuse me! Little person in here!" She pushes Calum, Luke, and Ashton off of her. I guess she gained enough strength. How? I do not know. I can barely do it.

"Hi." I smile and kiss her forehead.

"Hi." Madi smiles back, and wraps an arm around me. "You know what sucks," She begins kissing my jaw line again.

"What?" I manage to get out.

"We didn't get to finish our fun last night because someone else, or should I say, four someone else's decided to have their own fun." Madi's lips leave my jaw line, to find my lips.

"Yeah, I-I don't...know...who do..that." I say in-between kisses.

Madi puts a finger up to my lips, and leaves a trail of kisses down to my collarbones. She sucks and bites leaving hickeys all over.

I roll her over so that she's under me, and I start kissing her. Madison smiles, and kisses back even harder. My lips leave hers, and start kissing her neck. Once I find her soft spot, I start sucking on it, making her moan.

"Mich..ael.. Don'" Her breath becomes heavy, and I smile. I trace my lips down to her chest, stopping at her breasts.

I make my way back up to her, and put my hands on each side of her head. I start kissing her again as she runs her fingers up my bare stomach. She digs her nails into my shoulder, and I groan. (in pleasure of course)

Madi takes off her shirt and shorts, leaving her in just her bra and underware. The sight makes me go hard, and I can barely hold myself together. She laughs and tugs at the strings on my sweatpants. I allow her to take them off of me. Now, we're both half naked. (And I'm glad everyone fled the room)

"Don't just stop there." Madi brings her lips to mine, and my right hand travels up and down her side. Soon, we're both naked and ready for the party to start. Madi pumps me before I thrust into her. Hard and slow. Fast and hard.

She moans the entire time, and it's beautiful. Once I'm done, I roll over and she appears on top of me. She starts kissing my neck again, and travels all the way down to my hips. Madi smirks, and starts pumping me again. I let out a few, okay, a lot of moans and she goes faster than before. She straddles herself upon me, and gently starts pouncing. I'm glad I'm not the one in the lead, I'd be too worked up. And yes, I do have a condom on at this point. She pounces faster than before and starts moaning. I can't believe just a few weeks ago she was a virgin, and now she's like a pro at sex.

When it's all done, we're pleased with one another. We lay side by side, and catch our breath.

"I don't think we've ever went like that before," I say smiling.

"That's because you were always in the lead. Maybe you should let me be sometimes." Madi smirks and kisses me.

"Trust me, I will." I smile and kiss her again.

We decide to get up and shower. Yes, together. Its nothing I haven't seen before..


"Never ever ever do that again while we're in there. You scarred me for life." Calum says holding his eyes tightly shut.

"Maybe you shouldn't have been in there." Madi says sitting beside him.

"Trust me, I'll never be in there with you two ever again."

Madi and I laugh as Calum and the others are grossed out. No, our relationship isn't based on just sex. It's way more than that, and I'm happy with it. Madi's the one I've been looking for all this time.


Very sexual, huh? Got into detail with it. I'm sorry if its a bit too sexual. But, like I said, it's from Michael's point of view, and it's going to be sexual. Once again, I am sorry.

•Reminder; I won't post much Friday, and none on Saturday. (I'm sorry!!) Going on a trip. If I get back early Saturday, I may post, if I'm not too exhausted. I have to wake up at 4 in the morning. Please, don't hate me!

I lurv you!!!! ♥

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