Chapter 14

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"Thanks, Madi." Luke lets go and slightly smiles before walking back inside. That didn't take as long as I thought, so I make my way to Blake's mums apartment.

When I get here, I find him sitting outside on the doorstep like he knew I was coming.

"Hey," he speaks as I slowly sit beside him. "Madi, I'm sorry for what I said. I was just in the mood very badly at the time, and when you said you weren't pissed me off. I am sorry. I didn't mean any of it, and I'm sorry." I just stare blankly at the ground, I'm not in the mood to talk. I don't want this to escalate into another argument. "Say something.."

"Okay." I finally say as I look straight ahead.

"Okay? Okay? OKAY? That's all you have to say to me? Is 'okay?'"

"Yes, that is all."

"Madi, what has gotten into you? Clearly you're not the same girl I fell in love with seven years ago."

"Like we knew what love was seven years ago! Blake, we were young. We were dumb. We were kids. We thought love was magical at that age! We never knew it was like this! We're still young, dumb, and kids. I know. But, clearly we've both changed in seven years. You're not the same person I fell in love with, either."

"That's because I'm trying to make us work!"

"And I'm not? Blake, I work my ass of trying to make us work. You and your damn attitude makes it ten times harder."

"No, you're not! You're always up that Michael guys ass!"

"At least he has an ass, and isn't one like you." With that remark, I walk away. Ignoring everything else he has to say. I'd rather be at home right now.

I somehow find myself back at the bar again.

"Just a beer?" The same bartender as the other day asks.

"Yes, please?" I smile and look around the place. Its kind of relaxing.

"Here you go."

"Thanks," I give another small smile and make my way to the center of the bar. I find lots of cute guys, and get their numbers. I am not going to remember this in the morning.

I've had about three beers now, and things are getting a little crazy. I'm dirty dancing upon guys that I don't even know.

Then, that touch suddenly stopped me.

"Madi, what the hell are you doing? This isn't you! You're a good girl!" Michael pulls me off the guy, and starts yelling at me.

"Michael, she's drunk." Calum says as I laugh.

"You're kinda cute." I say walking closer to Michael. I stumble and fall right into his arms.

"Madi, no, stop. Snap out of it!" Michael gently smacks my face.

"Here I got it." That's when I feel cold water rush on my face.

"Luke! What the fuck!" I smack him and fail at walking away.

"Okay, so, maybe that didn't work." He rubs his cheek and they all gather around me.

"Ooh, four cute boys in one night? Don't mind if I do!" I take whatever is in Luke's other hand, assuming it was alcohol when it in fact was not. It was water. "Ew!"

"Come on, that's enough fun for one night." I hear someone say before picking me up. Usually its Michael, but he's in front of me. So is Luke, and Calum.

"Ashton! Put me down!" I kick and punch and yell until he puts me down. Which, no surprise, was the apartment we all five share.

"There you go, princess." He flashes a smile as I stumble to get inside. I make my way to the sofa and lie down. I'm soon fast asleep, and not a care in the world seems to run through my mind.

I wake up at two in the morning and find myself in bed next to Michael. He is awake and looks like he hasn't been asleep yet.

"Why are you awake?" I ask harshly. I have a pounding headache, and can't concentrate.

"Because, I'm worried about you, Madi. You were never like that before." He gets up to retrieve pain medication and a glass of water. He hands them to me.

"Thanks, but, I'm a big girl. Don't worry about me." I take the pills, drink the water, and lie back down.

The room falls quite for a while and I think Michael left me. That's when the other side of the bed sunk.

"Its nice to have someone worry about you, because it shows that someone actually cares for you. I'm always gonna worry, Madi. Always." He traces his fingers across my back and I close my eyes. "Goodnight, Madi. I love you." He kisses my cheek and lays beside me.

I roll over and pull him closer to me.

"I love you too." I kiss his bare back and eventually we're both asleep.

Friends are people who care the most, and I already have the best four there is.

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