"KATIE!!!" I heard Niall call from behind me. I ignored him, I just kept running. Full speed. I don't know where I'm going. I just kept running.

That's the thing with Michael. Not only does he lie with every sentence, but he'll be the sweetest person ever then something will click and he'll be a total and complete asshole. I don't understand why he does things like that. It's like he doesn't think about what he's going to say. I don't know why I even went out with him in the first place...

I was still running until it felt like my throat was closing up. I was now breathing really hard like I couldn't breathe. I slowly came to a stop by a park. I can hear someone yelling my name not to far behind me. I think it's Niall. I'm still wheezing. What the hell is wrong with me??

"Katie!" Niall ran up behind me. "What's wrong? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

 "No." I took a deep breath in. I tried to control it but it just came out as a nother wheeze. "I'm fine."

"In through your nose and out through your mouth, okay?" Niall grabbed my hand. He started leading me down the sidewalk. "Let's go home."

I stopped right after he said that. What if Michael is still there? I can't face him. I'll probably end up punching him square in the face.

"Don't worry. Michael won't be bothering you anymore." Niall assured. He started leading me down sidewalk again.

It was still really hard for me to breathe. "What did you do?" I managed out.

Niall chuckled, "Right after you ran away, Jade started screaming at him and I quote 'You stupid dumbass motherf*cker!!!' and blah blah blah."

I finally got control over my breathing. "Jade would. But that's not what you did." I pointed out. We were getting close to my street.

Niall rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, "I punched him."

"Seriously??" I asked, kind of shocked.

Niall smiled sheepishly, "Yeah."


"For what he said about your brother. That was way uncalled for and he had no right to say something like that. Plus I saw the look in your eyes. You looked so hurt. I wanted to hurt him in return for making you feel like that."

I didn't say anything. I simply squeezed his hand, letting him know I'm thankful. We were finally walking down our street when something hit me like a sack of bricks!

"Niall, when are you going back on tour?" I asked carefully.

"Um, in about six weeks." Niall answered, giving my hand a tight squeeze. That's right at the end of August. Two weeks before school starts. Damn, this summer has gone by so fast. What's going to happen when summer ends? Will the boys just leave Erika, Jade, and I behind? Oh God, I hope they don't just pack up and leave...

"We're here, Katie!" Niall announced, interuppting my thoughts. He opened up the door letting me step in first. Not two seconds in the house, I was mobbed by all the boys, Erika and Jade. Dammit, Niall! This doesn't help the fact that I don't exactly enjoy crowds.

"GUYS!" I shouted. They stopped throwing questions at me. "I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Is everything okay?" Liam asked. I nodded. "Katie..."

Sighing, I sat on the couch and told them everything that happened. From when Michael rang the doorbell to when Niall found me by the park.

"Katie, do you have asthma?" Louis questioned.

I thought for a minute. Do I? "I don't know. This sort of thing always happens when I run. I just figured it was 'cause I was out of shape." I spoke truthfully.

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