Chapter 59 - halloween

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Luke and you had been invited to a Halloween party hosted by Calum and Annabelle. Calum was over seeing her and had been for a few days. And it was one day before Halloween and you had no clue on what to wear so you and Luke went out shopping to buy you an outfit. You where looking at an outfit and didn't even realise luke was missing so you walk away from the aisle and went to look for luke "aaah OMG babe." You scream lurk jumps out with a scary clown mask. "Sorry but that was cute." You hit his arms as a joke and tell him "Lukey I have an idea we are going to dress as Minnie and Mickey Mouse." "Fine but I wanted to be mia Wallace." "What why." "It's fine our outfit will be cute." So you head home and just buy ears and red pants for Luke.
It was the day of the party and the party didn't start until late You spent most the day sorting out the costumes and then you do your hair and makeup and get changed into a red skirt and black top and luke waits for you downstairs already changed into a black top and his red pants. You both put on your ears and head out the door. You arrive and spend time at the party and everyone complimented your outfit and how cute you both looked and "then Calum mentions "haunted house we are so going." You shake a little and Luke knows how you hate them but you get dragged in anyway you where walking to the house since as there was a place close by and your hand was intertwined with Luke's "babe I know your scared but trust me I'll be there the whole time." "Promise." "Promise I won't let go of your hand." You reach and you are shaking and you go through. And you where holding on to Luke's hand so tight. "Aaah." You scream so loud someone had jumped out and you grab Luke's hand tighter you continue to walk and the pathway got narrow and you where walking in front Luke's arms around your waist with his head on your shoulder. You get to another part and luke turns you around and says "kiss me kiss me." "What." You reply in confusion "just trust me." You kiss him passionately and where about to break the kiss but he pushed you back against your lips everyone screams and you are so confused. You finally break the kiss and walk out and and realise it's finished. They said they took pictures and that you could buy them round the corner you knew it would be a picture of you screaming and you go to see and it was a cute picture of you and Luke kissing. Everyone comes over "why where you guys kissing." "Well there was a clown coming so u kissed her because I know how much she hates clowns and I already teased her about it yesterday." Everyone says "aww." And you kiss Luke before asking to buy your picture. Just before you pay the women says "you guys are cute." You blush and head home for a good nights sleep.

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