Chapter 72 - bachelourette party

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It was you and Luke's bachelorette party he was out with the boys and his brothers and he was staying over at their apartment you stayed at home with Annabelle after having a few drinks and dancing at the club. You then all went to your house and hung out with junk food games and all girly sleep over stuff. Emily and Lilly left and you and Annabelle spoke until it got late. You mainly spoke about your wedding and about her and Calum's to be future wedding. You then let her sleep in the guest room and you slept in your room as usual but couldn't fall asleep so you decided to FaceTime Luke. "Hey you." You say "hey beautiful I miss you." "Babe it hasn't even been 23 hours." You say chuckling he then point the camera at Calum "princess screen shot it and then send it to Annabelle." Calum was sleeping cuddling with a pillow. "Babe don't laugh that's me too I can't sleep without you it's weird." "Want me to come over." "I'd love that but." You say but get cut if. Few ministers later Luke comes over and heads to your shared room and turn the light on. "Lukey." You shrieked "shh." He says you get out of bed and kiss him and straddle your legs around h. You kissed him passionately and then you both landed on the bed and snuck u Dee the sheets and everything else stopped until you woke up by screams.
"Annabelle." "Y/n what is Luke doing here." I couldn't sleep and shut up you'll wake him." You say stroking his hair "I'm awake." "Ok you two change and then Luke leave." You laugh and kiss Luke and then get out of bed to change . You kiss him one last time and he leaves.

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