Chapter 63 - teasing helper

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You wake up in the morning with no arms around so you turn and don't see luke. Normally you wake up before him and you loved his morning cuddles because he was all warm and he had no shirt on and his bed hair was just the cutest. So you go on your phone a bit and see luke sent you cute selfies
Saying good morning babe
You text him multiple times but he doesn't reply
Babe where are you, are you downstairs. I'm missing my morning cuddles. Lukey reply
In the end you head downstairs. And couldn't even bother to put pants (underwear) on. You run down shouting "Lukey." You see him cuddling coco on the sofa. "Babeeee you wake up early to give him morning cuddles that's not far." He gets up from where he was sitting puts coco down and comes to give you a kiss. "Lukey why are you naked." You say then pulling him close to give a kiss "sorry babe I tried falling back to sleep but I couldn't." "It's fine but seriously why are you naked." You say heading to the kitchen followed by Luke and coco "it was really hot and I haven't had breakfast because I wanted to wait for you." You smile and kiss him over the counter "so what do you want." "I'm feeling Nutella pancakes." You laugh and head to get some plates and a mixing bowl you open the cabinet and realise they are way too high. You turn around and smile at luke who was smiling and staring at your attempt to get a plate. "Nice butt babe." He says getting out his sweet and getting the plates for you. "What." You say in confusion. He just smiled and you kiss him saying "thank you and Lukey please go put some pants on." You where struggling with the Nutella hat and your face was so red and you turn to see a fully clothed Luke Hemmings "Lukey I said pants not actually dressed." "Tough." He says taking the jar out your hand and opening it for you. "Show of." You say turning back around to the pan." Luke puts his arms around you and rest his head on your tiny since as you where way shorter than him. You turn around and give him a plate of Nutella pancakes in his hand "here you go babe." "Thanks." He says kissing your cheek. You both sit down to eat "Lukey you totally tightened the jars and moved the plates and bowl to show of and being naked was even better right." "Yeah." He says attempting to stuff a piece of pancake in his mouth just before you ate it away from his fork. "No Thats mine." He says "come take it." You say opening your mouth you both laugh and finish your food. And hen you go to get ready for the day

 And hen you go to get ready for the day

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Luke Hemmings imagine Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora