Chapter 50 - promise rings

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You and luke had been talking about it a lot and you both decide to buy your rings today. So you get ready and head out to the car and head to the shop you leave wearing

You walk out and head to the car and luke instantly realises your top "I love the top

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You walk out and head to the car and luke instantly realises your top "I love the top." "Shut up I couldn't find anything." You get it the car kiss him and then he starts to drive "it's totally cute that you promote your boyfriends band buy wearing his merchandise." You finally reach and head into the shop you look at a few rings and you both finally choose ones you like it wasn't really hard for Luke but you took ages. So you get it fitted to your size and then a fan comes over "omg hey." She says "hey." You luke reply "can I have a picture." So you three and her friend take a picture and just before she leaves she says "I love your top y/n." "Thanks" You reply as Luke starts laughing in the corner and you playfully hit his arm as he replies "babe." When the girl and her friend walk of you can hear her say "omg they are so cute together." You smile and as you walk out with your rings purchased "why where you smiling so much." "No reason." You reply with a smirk.

You where both just chilling and cuddling on the couch and luke comes up with the ideas "babe I think we should invite the boys and Lilly and maybe even Annabelle and we should give the rings as if it's a proposal." "Sure why not that'll be fun but I can't do acting to save my life." "It's fine neither can I just thing of it as the day I really do propose to you." "No because that day is special and important." You laugh and he kisses you before texting the boys to come over in a ew hours as you did the same for Annabelle and Lilly. Annabelle said she's allowed to stay for the week and Calum didn't even know. Luke was heading out to get a few things for dinner tonight just before you kiss him bye you say "Lukey guess what Annabelle is staying over for the week she's going to come here and see Calum's reaction." "Awww he's going to be so happy." Time passes by and you change while luke is out into

You come down and luke was already home sitting on the sofa with dinner all set up he turns around and instantly stands for a moment "damn baby you look so sexy

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You come down and luke was already home sitting on the sofa with dinner all set up he turns around and instantly stands for a moment "damn baby you look so sexy." "He says as he still stares "give us a twirl." You smile and blush as you walk down kiss him and head to get the food ready.
Annabelle comes first and you rush to the door to hug her "geeez y/n." She says as she looks you up and down "you said it's only the boys and Lilly what's with the." You smile and reply "this is all I had and I'm not wearing my birthday outfit it would give Luke the biggest boner Luke ever." You both laugh as Luke walks by "Annabelle." He says with a serious tone "Luke." She replies you close the door behind Anna and say in confusion "what the hell is up with you two." They just stare for a moment as you tell Annabelle to leave her stuff  upstairs you get the table sorted although Luke had already done most of it "babe you do realise she's seen my dick it's a little awkward." "Well it's your fault for messing around and not wearing pants." You big laugh and then the bell go open the door and it's Lilly and Leo. You instantly pick up Leo he's so big now it's crazy and you ask "where's Michael." While taking of Leo's shoes and jacket. You put him down and he runs to luke. "He's coming with Calum and Ashton." "Oh." You spent the time playing with Leo until Michael and Calum came they finally did and Annabelle hid on the side and you open the door Leo runs to Michael and it's so cute seeing the bond they share. And then everyone sits on the couch playing and Annabelle comes out and Calum sees her since as he was heading to the rest room not how we planned but it's fine. You can hear Calum's scream and the cry's of Annabelle that you all walk up over to where they where

Calum's POV:
It felt like a dream I couldn't even believe she was in front of me I haven't seen her in months all I could do was pick her up with her legs around my waist and hug her and kiss her "god I've missed you." She says "I miss hearing your voice in person." I've never kissed her with so much passion and I can hear everyone walking by but I didn't even care about that at that point. "Geeez stop with the PDA guys." Ashton and Michael shout at him saying "we had to live with this you and y/n where always on top of each other." "No we weren't." He replies as everyone laughs with the two still kissing "ok we will let them be and we will get started with dinner.

Your POV:
You sort out dinner and Calum and Annabelle where finally done with the PDA and Luke comes over touching your butt "baaaabe." You say "yeeees." He replies "hands of because if I drop this I will be so mad." You both laugh and head to the table with food as Luke follows with plates "your so helpful." You smile and kiss him on the cheek. You all sit down with Leo and Ashton on each end and the couple opposite each other. You all talked and finished up food you where taking the last plate and as you turned around Luke was on the floor down on one knee. All you could see was his smiling face and Lilly and Annabelle screaming and Ashton says "so this is why we where called." "It's true they never really gave a reason." Luke then starts and you start crying "babe I haven't even said a word." You laugh and he continues "miss y/f/n I am giving you this ring because I promise that I will be here for ever and will never leave you and I love you more than you can ever know and I don't know what I will do without you so will you take this ring as long as I keep my promise." "Yes." You reply as he stands up and you both kiss standing there he puts the ring on your finger and everyone claps behind you and then you bend down "what the hell is this." "I know I'm so confused." And you make your promises to him and place the ring on his finger you kiss him and then turn around "basically I didn't propose yet it's just promise rings but we wanted to see your reaction if I proposed." They all laugh and Leo spends the rest of the day sleeping and so they leave early and then Calum and Annabelle since as they wanted to have sex and then Ashton who we really need to find a girlfriend for.

You then clean up and then head straight to bed you where taking your makeup of while luke was already in bed just on his phone you then change out of the dress into one of Luke's top. "Babe." Luke says as you walk into bed "yes Lukey." "We really need to find Ashton a girlfriend." "Yes we do but I'm so happy for Calum and Annabelle." You say as you or your phone down and mean on Luke's chest." You just lay there talking about everything and anything and you where talking about one of there songs and you realise luke didn't reply "babe." "Lukey." You turn around and realise he had fallen asleep it was so cute you took your phone and started snap chatting a video "guys can we just take a moment and just look at how cute he looks." You then kiss him on the check and lay back down on his chest still on Snapchat "goodnight guys." You then fall asleep and wake up to luke laughing "why you laughing for." "I saw the snapchat video." "It's cute." You say as he replies "yeah I know." While kissing you and then heading out of bed.

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