Chapter 54 - ashton's party

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You wake up early and head down just before kissing Luke you rush down cuddle with coco and give him breakfast you eat breakfast and prepare for Ashton's party since as you Emma (Ashton's new girlfriend) Lilly and you have prepared a little picnic party and then an after dinner for Ashton which the boys also contributed to. You where preparing your third picnic basket dancing to music which your hair in the messiest bun and in one of Luke's top which was a little close to your knees. You don't hear the footsteps and continue to rush and sing along to the music. Suddenly arms wrap around you "I love you Lukey bu Tim busy." He turns you around and picks you up onto the counter "Lukey you are going to make me squash all the food." "Ok fine." He says while kissing you and then helping you down." You turn back to continue working "I wonder how much you will do on my birthday if you are doing this much for Ashton." He says while leaving just before sucking on your neck. You continue to work and finish up before heading to the shower "Babe get coco ready and get yourself ready." You shout from the top of the stairs.

Luke's POV:
So I get up from the couch get coco groomed and put on a cute outfit

Luke's POV:So I get up from the couch get coco groomed and put on a cute outfit

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Then I head up to get changed. "Babe where's my black jeans. I can't find them I left them here." "I think I found them." She says as she walks out with the baggiest jeans ever."
"Lukey the jeans are down here not on the upper half of my body." "Yeah I'd like my jeans." She walks over to her closet to pick out her clothes and removed my jeans leaving her in her pants and bra.
I quickly change into my clothes and then head

 I quickly change into my clothes and then head

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down They all the stuff into the car

Your POV:
You get ready into your outfit and put on a bit of makeup

You then head down and realise all the baskets and presents where already put away

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You then head down and realise all the baskets and presents where already put away.
You head into the car and take coco with you.
You put coco into the car and sit down too "thanks babe." You say while kissing Luke "what's that for." "Thanks for putting the stuff in the car." "Oh no problem." You then head of Emma and Ashton weren't here a few guest where but Michael and Lilly had started to set up. "Babe watch coco and Leo that's your job." You then head with Lilly to sort out the baskets and the picnic table the music and by then Emma texted you saying they where arriving. "Happy birthday." You all shout

Ashton's POV:
Omg thanks guys this is amazing. I kiss Emma and head over to the boys "thanks guys." "Don't thank us thank the girls." We then hang up date some food played footy had some cake and even messed about with the pets and kids
I met many people that I have missed families it was the best day ever.

Your POV:
You then pack up and head home to get ready and change again since as you where going to have a close meet up with the boys and Emma but not Lilly since as she had to do her mother duties.

Luke didn't change and it wasn't long before you left so Emma texted you to leave and you leave and by the time you arrive to the bar

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Luke didn't change and it wasn't long before you left so Emma texted you to leave and you leave and by the time you arrive to the bar. When you arrived everyone was already there. "What took you guys so long." "Luke wouldn't allow y/n to change he was distracting her." Michael says "shut up" You say as you walk to the bar get a few drinks and a little tipsy. You had the best night ever and just couldn't wait for Luke's birthday.

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