Chapter 66 - cousins wedding

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You wake up super excited for today since as it was your cousins wedding. So you kiss Luke and wake up early to get breakfast you eat downstairs and you get up from the dining table to put your plate away and you bump into Luke "morning babe." You say heading to the sink you turn to face him and he kisses you saying "morning." He eats breakfast while you quickly clean up and he cuddles with coco as you start to do your makeup.  You finish up and call Luke to head up to change. "Luke." You shout and he comes upstairs with cox you go on your phone and cuddle with coco and Luke changes. "Babe tie." He says picking it up. You smile and attempt to wrap the tie around his neck but can't since as he's so tall. "Luke's bed down." You say and you pass it over and pull it to bring him close he stares at you and you do his tie for and tap his chest saying "finished." He lays down and you change into a if the shoulder laced tight dress that flares at the bottom. It was navy blue matching with Luke's tie. "Beautiful." Luke says coming closer to you. He kisses your lips and you walk out the door saying "you missed." "What." He says following you with coco. "I said you missed." You laugh and rush down hopefully not tripping and put your shoes on. You then head to the car to tease him. He comes in after "I did not miss." He says attempting to kiss you. You turn but couldn't last in the end you just kiss him and you can feel him smile between your kiss. Finally you head of and meet up a bunch of people at the wedding like Calum since as he was Annabelle plus one. Annabelle wore the same as you since as you where both bridesmaids. It was sad you couldn't change with all the bridesmaid since as you lived far but you knew how to do a curled half up half done hairstyle and a bit of makeup so it was fine. You and Luke then get into your position opposite of the groom and wait for your cousin to walk in. She finally did and seriously it made me think of my wedding she looked beautiful she was glowing and shining and no one could take that away from he on her special day she came up and smiled in your direction and the caroming finished and you went to an after party you and Luke where sitting at a table then people started dancing and luke stood up and took your hand "babe lest dance." "I can't dance." He insisted and said "babe on our wedding day you will have to dance with me." "You said our." You reply with a blank face by now you had both started to dance "yes I'm going to propose to you one day not some other man." "Your cute." You say attempting to kiss him but end up hugging him he then bends down a little and you kiss him. Your hen head back to your table and listen to a few speeches and eat until it's time for the bride to leave and throw the bouquet. She through the bouquet and you caught it all you could do was laugh and scream luke wrapped his arm around you and you waved your cousin bye.

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