55. What Does That Even Mean?

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Maya's walking home from Riley's feeling like a weight's been brought off her shoulders. She finally told Riley about Josh, the guilt that brought her sadness and anxiety since it happened. And Riley gave her the best response ever. As she's about to open her front door her phone vibrates. She picks it up to see a text from Riley saying she misses her. Maya smiles and writes that she misses Riley too. Suddenly she hears shouting from inside their house. She puts her ear to the door.
"Then, when are you going to tell her?" Katy shouts.
"I don't know Katy, how am I even supposed to tell her?" Shawn asks. "I can't just blurt it out!"
"Well you've got to tell her some way!" Katy shouts back.
"Yeah, sure, I'll just be like, 'Hey Maya, how are you, by the way, I'm not actually your dad!', Is that what you'd like?" Shawn asks.
Maya gets so shocked she quickly pulls away from the door and trips on the stairs to their porch. Luckily it's only two steps in the stairway and she manages to fall to the front but it still makes a fairly loud bang in the wooden porch. The door opens.
"Maya?" Shawn asks.
"Are you okay, baby girl?" Katy asks.
"What happened?" Shawn asks.
Maya just looks at them with a straight face as she gets up and then turns around and runs away from them.

"Hello." Maya says climbing in through the bay-window again.
"Hi." Riley says. "Look, you don't have to feel guilty about what happened with Josh cus you stopped it before it happened, cus it felt wrong. And I love you so much for that." Riley says.
"Love you more, but that's not why I'm here." Maya replies.
"Love you the most, but you just left 20 minutes ago, what happened?"
"Could we just agree that we love each other just as much?" Maya asks.
"Okay." Riley says. "...But I love you a little bit more." Riley says smiling.
Maya shakes her head while smiling before beginning to talk.
"I was about to open the front door and heard my parents arguing. Eventually Shawn said that he wasn't really my dad..." Maya explains.
"Wow." Riley says. "What does that even mean?"
"I don't know." Maya says.
She leans her head on Riley's shoulder and Riley responds by leaning her head against Maya's.
"Are you okay, Maya?" Riley asks.
"I don't know." Maya says.
"We could just sit here and not do anything for a few minutes if you want? Not talk or anything?" Riley suggests.
"I don't know." Maya repeats.
"Okay, well then you don't have to decide what you want to do. Just tell me if you do want to talk." Riley says.
"I know." Maya says and smiles.
Riley smiles too.

"Hey." Maya says to Zay as she's walking into Topanga's. "Thanks for agreeing to meet me so... Oh, right, she's here." Maya says upon the discovery of Leah with Zay.
"I hope that's okay?" Zay asks her.
"I can ask my dad to pick me up now if you want?" Leah says.
"NO! No! I mean, it's okay, you can stay." Maya says and takes a seat.
"So what's up?" Zay asks.
"You tell me." Maya starts. "You guys both were adopted, right?"
"Yeah, why?" Leah asks.
"I just overheard Shawn telling my mom he's not really my dad." Maya says.
"Who's Shawn?" Leah asks.
"He married her mother and then adopted her, or at least that's what we all were told, I guess?" Zay says.
"I don't know what he meant by that." Maya says.
"Have you been at court to finalize the adoption?" Leah asks.
"No." Maya says.
"Good!" Zay says.
"How's that good?" Leah asks him.
"Well, I hope she'd have the common courtesy to invite me in that case!" Zay argues.
"Anyway, basically, we filled out papers and stuff and I guess I just assumed that was it." Maya says.
"Is your birth dad alive?" Leah asks.
"You tell me..." Zay quietly says and Maya steps on his foot.
"I'm pretty sure he is." Maya says.
"Then maybe he didn't sign abandonment papers?" Leah asks.
"What does that mean?" Maya asks.
"Basically, if he signs the abandonment papers it means that he's officially giving up parental rights." Zay says.
"Parental rights?! How does he even have parental rights?!" Maya asks. "He completely abandoned me and my mom 10 years ago and now he shows up again to twist my world upside down?!" Maya exclaims.
"I don't even know what to say, he definitely seems like a bad guy." Leah says.
"I don't even know how to comment that." Zay says as if he's talking about what Maya said but he and Maya both knows he's talking about what Leah said.
"Does your mom and this Shawn guy know that you heard him say that?" Leah asks.
"Yeah. Or at least I think so." Maya answers.
"Then maybe you should just ask them about it all, maybe it's something else." Leah suggests.
"No offense, but I doubt it, it sounds so like him to do this." Maya says.
"What? What do you mean no offense?" Leah asks.

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