40. Say Your Goodbyes

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It's Sunday morning and everybody have decided to meet up at Topanga's to say goodbye to Lauren, Violet and Callie. Zay and Lucas are the only ones who've arrived yet. Then Maya shows up and sits down in the sofa group with the two.
"I kissed Riley." Maya said.
"Called it!" Zay says.
"What? Why? When? Are you back together?" Lucas asks.
"No, we're not. Yesterday evening, she seemed like she wanted me to kiss her. She asked me to wait as I was leaving and then looked at my lips for a moment before she looked away." Maya says.
"Wow! So why didn't she just kiss you?" Zay asks.
"I don't know. But then I kissed her. And she kissed me back. And I realized something when we kissed. And then I left." Maya explains.
Farkle and Smackle comes in.
"What are you guys talking about?" Farkle asks.
"Nothing." Maya says trying to avoid having to tell Farkle too.
"Maya kissed Riley." Lucas says making Maya plant her face in her hand.
"Called it." Smackle announces.
"Really? Me too!" Zay says and smiles.
"What?! Why?! When?! Are they back together?!" Farkle asks Lucas.
"Yesterday evening. Riley stared at her lips. But they're not back together. Maya realized something from the kiss." Lucas informs him.
Smackle and Farkle also sits down.
"How do you even know that we're on a break?" Maya asks Farkle.
"He's got my number?" Farkle says pointing at Lucas.
"But what did you realize?" Smackle asks her.
"I realized..." Maya starts but gets interrupted as Josh walks in with Jasmin.
"Hey, Yoshi." Zay jokes.
"Don't ever call me that again." Josh says while smiling.
"Who's that?" Smackle asks referring to Jasmin.
"This is Jasmin. She's my best friend." Josh says. "And that is Maya, Farkle and Smackle." He says to Jasmin while pointing at the three.
"How does she know Lucas and Zay?" Farkle asks.
"We went on a triple date with Lucas, Lauren, Violet and Zay yesterday." Josh explains before he and Jasmin takes a seat as well.
Riley enters and enlightens when she sees Maya.
"Hi." She greets everyone who greet her back.
Riley then sees that there aren't any more seats left and Zay notices her trying to figure out a way or a place to sit. He gets up and takes a chair from an empty table and sets it down right next to Maya. He purposely puts it as close to Maya as possible.
"Thank you, Zay." Riley says and takes a seat.
After a minute or two of small talk, Violet comes in with a big bag. Then Callie comes in with a big bag. Then Lauren comes in empty handed.
"Where's your luggage?" Lucas asks her.
Lauren thinks for a moment.
"Uhm... Not here?" Lauren says and laughs. "Sorry, that was not the question you asked when I rehearsed this on the way here in the cab..." She then adds making him laugh.
"Well, what did I ask you then?" He then asks her with a smile on his face.
"What's going on?" She says.
"Oh... Well... What's going on?" He asks.
"I'm staying a little while longer." She then answers.
"How long?" He asks excitedly.
"At least four years." She says. "I'm going to NYU this fall!" She then continues getting overwhelmed with congratulations.
"NYU? We go there!" Jasmin says pointing at Josh.
"Wait, are you gonna stay at a hotel this whole summer?" Lucas asks her.
"No, I've got an aunt who lives here so I'll be living with her." Lauren says.
He smiles at her before he hugs her real tight.
"Awww..." Almost everybody says.
"Well, we're still going." Callie says.
Everybody starts saying goodbye to Callie and Violet, some gives them hugs. Lauren gives them a group hug.
"Take care now. And once you find the love of your lives I hope they are really nice people!" Lauren says as they let go of the hug.
"Right back at you!" Callie says.
"Wow. Thanks." Lucas awkwardly comments.
"I'm just messing with you, come on! Callie then says and looks like she's about to say something more to him before turning to Lauren. "Take care of him." She then adds.
Lauren laughs softly.
"Will do." She then responds before hugging Callie and Violet once again.
They let go of the hug and Callie and Violet leaves.

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