44. Getting On My Nerves

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"What's up, genius?" Maya asks Farkle as she and Josh enters Topanga's.
He's sitting in the sofa group with Zay and Lucas.
"Who are we waiting for?" Josh asks as he sits down.
"Smackle and Lauren, I suppose." Maya says as she also sits down.
"Yup." Zay confirms.
"So what do you guys really do on the EIBSS meetings?" Josh asks them.
"It's E IBSS meeting." Lucas says.
"Stands for emergent infrequent behavioral solution searching meeting." Zay says.
"If you don't know what we're about to do only after hearing those words I'm seriously doubting if you should be in college, never the less, here." Farkle says.
"Why are we having this meeting in the first place?" Maya asks.
"Not you too!" Farkle pleads.
"No. But I don't get it. I don't think Riley's been acting weird lately." Maya says. "Or well, yes. But for Riley, she hasn't been acting weird."
"What?" Lucas asks furrowing his eyebrows along with Farkle, Zay as Josh.
"She's been acting as more of an antonym to Riley than you!" Farkle says. "Josh, antonym means opposite." He then adds.
"I know, Farkle." Josh says.
"Oh, that you know." Farkle then says.
"I still don't know what you're talking about! She's been acting as usual!" Maya says.
"Really?" Zay asks.
"As usual?" Lucas adds.
"Yesterday, Zay and I tried to make her happy. Cus she wasn't. She wasn't laughing, she wasn't smiling, she wasn't Riley." Farkle says.
"I made funny faces, I joked, I slipped on a banana peel, we even breathed in helium and laughed." Zay explains.
"But she didn't." Lucas says.
"Not even a smile slipped through..." Farkle says with a worried and sad expression on his face.
"Yeah, I've noticed that lately too." Josh says to Maya. "She's not Riley anymore."
Maya looks worried and confused.
"You... You think it's my fault?" She asks them all concerned.
"It could very well be, Maya." Lucas says.
"I hope it's not." Zay adds.
"I'm just hoping we can get her back." Farkle says.
"Me too." Josh says and they all nod agreeing.
Suddenly Smackle comes running into Topanga's.
"What's the emergency?!" She asks panicked.
"It wasn't that emergent." Lucas says.
"I just ran the longest and fastest I ever have! I thought something had happened to Farkle!" Smackle yells at Zay.
"Well, last time you didn't even show up." Zay shouts back.
"I was in Canada!" Smackle yells again.
Zay laughs.
"I know." He says smiling. "I just wanted to see if you'd run." He then adds and laughs.
"Wait, when was this?" Maya asks.
"When you were acting like Riley." Zay says quickly and Lucas, Farkle and Smackle widens their eyes at him. ‪
"We're not supposed to tell people when we have a meeting about them, Zay!" Farkle shouts furrowing his eyebrows.
"And how was I supposed to know that?!" Zay yells back at him.
"It was part of the entire agreement! We told you in your first meeting!" He shouts as Lauren enters.
"Hey." She greets them all. "Did I come here just to get yelled at too?"
"No, we basically only do that to Zay." Lucas answers as Lauren sits down next to him.
"Why?" Lauren asks.
"Cus he's the only one who intentionally makes you want to yell at him." Smackle says.
"Okay. Everyone's here. The E IBSS meeting can start." Farkle says.
"Yeah, about that, why am I here?" Lauren asks.
"Well, apparently Riley's been acting differently. Which I haven't noticed but you know, it's not like I'm her best friend or something." Maya answers sarcastically. "And that's why the genius, the goofball and the cowboy called an emergent infrequent behavioral solution searching meeting."
"Okay, so we're going to try and find a way to make her behave as usual again?" Lauren asks.
"See, it's not that hard!" Farkle says to Josh who throws his hands up in the air.

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