43. Abandonment Issues

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Maya climbs in through Riley's bay window a while after the boys have left. Riley's not in her bedroom so Maya walks out of there and into the kitchen/living room where Riley's in the couch watching TV with Josh while Topanga's sitting by the kitchen table, working.
"Hey." Maya says making everyone turn to look at her.
"Peaches." Riley says and smiles.
Maya smiles back at her before she walks over to the couch and sits down next to Riley. They sit there in silence watching TV for a short while.
"My mom's pregnant." Maya suddenly says gaining complete attention from all four of them. Josh picks up the remote and turns off the TV.
"Are you okay?" Riley asks.
"You know me better than anyone, Riley. So you already know the answer to that question, don't you?" Maya asks.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Josh asks.
"I don't know, I guess I just feel a little... Embarrassed about which thoughts are running through my head. The problem is that the only one I think would really understand is Shawn. But I can't tell him cus this is about him." Maya says.
Everybody's silent for a few seconds.
"Maya, do you think he would leave you like Kermit did just because he gets a child?" Topanga asks furrowing her eyebrows.
"I don't really think he will, I'm just scared that he might." Maya says obviously embarrassed for thinking that.
"Would you do that?" Topanga then asks.
"No!" Maya quickly says.
"Then why would Shawn? I've never seen two people who aren't related by blood think and be as similar as you and Shawn." Topanga then says.
"Plus," Riley says to Maya. "there's only one problem with your theory." She puts her arm around Maya. "Shawn already has a daughter." She says making Maya smile.
Maya and Josh's phones then buzzes.
"What's up?" Riley asks them both as they pick up their phones.
"Zay wants my help." Maya says.
Josh's phone buzzes again.
"With what?" Riley asks.
"Well, I promised to teach him how to bake some cookies my mom made him once. He kind of fell in love with them. So, bye I guess." Maya says before she gets up and leaves through Riley's bay window.
"And Jasmin needs a favor. And I owe her one since that date yesterday." Josh says and leaves through the front door. As he comes out of the building, Maya's standing right outside, waiting for him.
"What does EIBSS stand for?" Josh asks.
"It's E IBSS. I hope you didn't ask Riley that question." Maya says and starts walking.
He follows her.
"No, you told me to lie, and I did lie to her. But why did I lie to her?" He asks.
"Cus Riley isn't supposed to know about this. It's a secret." Maya says.
"So she doesn't know what an EIBSS meeting is anyway?" He asks.
"E IBSS. And yes, she does. It's an Emergent Infrequent Behavioral Solution Searching meeting." Maya says.
"Right. So why doesn't Riley know we're going there?" Josh asks.
"You can't tell by the name?" Maya asks.
"No, not really." Josh says.
"It's what we do when one of us is acting unusual." Maya says as they head to Topanga's.
"And you told me to lie to Riley because...?" Josh asks.
"Please read that text out loud for me?" Maya asks him.
Josh picks up his phone and after a few seconds he starts talking again.
"Calling I. Babineaux, L. Friar, L. Gallagher, M. Hunter, J. Matthews, F. Minkus & I. Smackle to an EIBBS..."
"E IBSS!" Maya interupts him.
"E IBSS meeting as soon as possible at Topanga's." He then continues.
"Right. Riley's not invited. She's the one who started these meetings. So it's about her." Maya says.

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