23. Good Old Times & Sorry Daddy

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It's Friday morning in the Matthews apartment as Riley gets out of her bedroom and into the living room.
"Oh, Riley?" Topanga starts as she's setting the table. "Maya and Farkle are heading up here. What's that about, by the way? Farkle hasn't picked you up in, what? A year?"
"We're just doing it for the sake of good old times!" Riley says and smiles.
"Uhm, okay." Topanga answers.
Maya and Farkle walks in through the door and over to the table where Topanga offers them breakfast as usual.
"For the sake of good old times?" Cory asks as he's heading towards the table as well, coming from the hallway with Auggie. They sit down at the table and eat. Cory smiles as he stares at Riley and Maya sitting next to each other. Maya looks at him awkwardly.
"What are you doing?" Maya asks.
"I'm just lovin' this!" Cory says.
"Would you stop?" Riley asks.
"They're just like us!" Cory says to Topanga.
Topanga just smiles.
"And he's Shawn!" Cory says and then looks confused. "How did I miss that?" He asks.
The door opens and in rushes Zay.
"Emergency!" Zay says as he closes the door.
"What's up?" Farkle asks Zay as Zay's approaching the people by the table.
"Lucas... Ooh! Breakfast!" Zay says. Without asking or getting invited he sits down by the table, takes Farkles plates and starts pouring up cereal. Farkle looks questioning at him.
"What? You weren't eating it!" Zay says.
"What's the emergency Zay?" Topanga asks.
"Ah, right!" Zay starts. "Well, I spoke to Lucas last night and he said he does like Lauren."
"What?" Riley asks surprised.
"Yeah." Zay says to Riley. "He's gonna break up with you today..."
"Did you not listen at my lesson yesterday?!" Cory asks the four friends.
"Yeah, I thought making him like Lauren was crashing into an empty field in Philadelphia?" Riley asks.
"What?" Auggie asks looking very confused.
"I'll explain to you later." Topanga tells Auggie.
"What do you think happens when Lucas tells Lauren he likes her?" Cory asks.
"We're going to try to convince him not to tell Lauren after he has broken up with Riley." Farkle explains.
Cory seems to really freak out.
"NEVER, RISK, HURTING, OTHER, PEOPLE." Cory shouts at the four.
They keep silent for a few seconds.
"Other people being?" Maya asks suddenly.
"Lucas!" Cory says.
He then turns to Riley.
"And not just Lucas. I don't understand you, Riley." He starts. "You say you don't want to hurt him because you want to remain friends with him. But what do you think he will get the most hurt by?" Cory asks. "You liking Maya instead of him now or all of you setting up Lauren to pretend she likes him? This is not only about not hurting Lucas. But what do you think happens to Zay and Farkle if Lucas finds out they knew about this?" Cory asks.
Riley gets very speech less.
"It's too late to change this. But don't ever do this again. Neither of you." He says pointing to all of them and Auggie.
"What did I do?" Auggie asks.
"Nothing yet, sweetheart. But one day you'll grow up and make mistakes just like Riley!" Topanga says and smiles.
"Riley, you should tell him about you and Maya. As well as all of this." Cory says.
Riley remains speech less and Cory realizes how harsh he has been on his daughter by the look on her face.
"Maybe we should get going now before you make anyone start crying..." Zay says to Cory.
"Good thinking!" Topanga says.

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