38. Date Night

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Lucas and Zay are waiting in the lobby at the hotel where the girls are staying.
"Why are they late?" Zay asks.
"I don't know. But to be fair, it's only been five minutes, Zay." Lucas says.
"Well, yeah. But it's like a five minute walk. So in comparison, if the place would be an hour away, they're an hour late." Zay says.
The elevator door opens and Lucas turns around and faces Lauren and that's when his eyes widen, his eyebrows raise and his mouth opens slightly. Lauren gets flattered by the look on Lucas's face as she and Violet walks up to the boys. Zay's just looking at Lucas and Lauren and focusing on their moment with a big excited smile on his face.
"You look beautiful." Lucas says to her.
"Thank you. You look pretty handsome yourself." She answers smiling.
"Hey." Zay says awkwardly to Violet.
"Hi." She replies.
"You're pretty as well, but you know, they're... And we're just..." Zay says.
"I know." Violet answers.
He looks at her as if he's waiting for something.
"Oh, you need my approval?" Violet asks.
"I would appreciate it..." Zay says.
"Well. You should've considered that before you put that on." Violet says and after a few seconds, she starts smiling at him. "I'm just kidding, you look fine." She then says before they start walking to the restaurant.
"What about the third couple?" Violet asks as they're walking.
"Josh is meeting us there." Lucas answers.
"Who is he bringing?" Lauren asks.
"I don't know, he said he'd call me back if he wouldn't get a date, but he hasn't called so..." Lucas then replies.
Suddenly Lucas' phone rings.
"Wow, talk about last minute." Zay says making the rest of them laugh a little.
"It's not Josh. It's Maya." Lucas says before answering and putting her on speaker phone.
"Hey, what's up?" Lucas asks her.
"Not much, just wanted to know what you're up to tonight. I'm bored and Farkle and Smackle are at the movies watching something boring while Zay isn't even answering his phone." Maya says. Violet comes closer to Lucas.
"Hey, it's our last night here and you don't even wanna spend it with us?" Violet asks Maya.
"Wait, you're with Violet?" Maya asks.
"Yeah. I'm going on a triple date." Lucas says.
"With Lauren?" Maya asks.
"Yeah. She's my girlfriend now." Lucas answers.
"That's awesome! I'm so glad you guys worked it out!" Maya says happily.
"Oh, and Zay is here too." Lucas says.
"Okay, so who are Zay and Violet going on a date with?" Maya asks.
"Each other." Lucas says while laughing a little.
"Really?" Maya asks surprised. "Wow. Okay. So who else is coming?" She then asks.
"Josh." Lucas says.
"Really? I thought he didn't have any, like, girlfriend or so." Maya says.
"Yeah, no, I don't even know who he's bringing. Anyway, why don't you check what Riley's up to?" Lucas asks.
"I don't know... I haven't seen her since this morning, when we took a break. It feels a little strange to go there again like nothing happened the very same day." Maya says.
"Honestly, Maya, I think she will just be happy to see you. To see that you're really not leaving her just cus you're on a break now. You're still Riley and Maya. And no matter what'll happen, you'll always be." He says.
"Okay, I'll go to her. You guys have fun on your date!" Maya says.
"Alright, bye!" Lucas says and hangs up.
They meet Josh with a fairly dark-skinned, tall girl with long, curly, dark hair.
"Hey guys, this is Jasmin, she's my best friend." Josh says introducing the girl to them. "Jasmin, this is Violet, Zay and those two are Lauren and Lucas. You know, the two I told you about."
"What did you tell her?" Lucas asks.
"What you guys went through and all of that." Josh replies.

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