37. Hangout At Topanga's

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Zay comes into Topanga's where Lucas and Lauren are sitting and holding hands, talking to Callie and Violet. He looks very confused as he sees their intertwined hands.
"Look guys, I don't know if you know this, but your hands are touching." He tells them.
"We know, we thought we'd let them stay that way." Lauren says and smiles at him.
"Yeah, the hand wants what it wants." Lucas adds.
"So you finally made up and now you're a cute little couple?" Zay asks smiling with a high pitch voice on the word cute.
"I guess so." Lucas replies smiling.
"You make me sick!" Zay yells at him with a frown.
"What's wrong, buddy?" Lucas asks smirking but with one raised eyebrow.
"Well, first of all you never told me about that." He says and points at his and Lauren's hands. "I mean, it's like we don't talk anymore, since Riley and Maya became a thing." He says starting to sound like he's about to cry. "And now I'm the only one in our group of friends who's single!" Zay says.
"But Maya and Riley are on a break." Lucas says.
"But we all know they'll be locking lips again in the blink of an eye!" Zay argues.
"You can always try your luck with Josh." Lauren suggests joking.
He looks at her seriously and stands up.
"What makes you think I'm gay?" He asks. "Am I feminine, is that it?" He asks as he puts one hand on his hip in a very feminine position.
"No. See, I don't make LGBTQ assumptions based on masculinity or femininity, but I gotta tell you, Zay, you're making it very hard for me to not think you're gay right now." Lauren says.
"See, she thinks I'm gay! End it." He says to Lucas who just looks very questioning at him.
"It's just because you're hinting it!" Lauren says defending herself in a joking way.
"Oh I do not, gurl." Zay says moving his index finger right and left in a very feminine way making everyone laugh at him.
"See, I never know if he's joking or if he's serious in these moments. It's the same when he says something pretty dumb." Lauren whispers to Lucas.
"Nobody does." Lucas whispers back.
"Well, why don't you go out with Violet?" Lauren asks.
"What?!" Violet asks surprised.
"One date?" Lauren asks her.
"What?!" She repeats.
"Could you at least get to know him a little better?" Lauren asks Violet.
"Fine!" She says.
Zay sits down next to Violet. She has a computer in her lap.
"What are you doing?" Zay asks.
"I'm writing some information about trans people to those who doesn't know much." Violet says.
"What is there to know?" He asks curious.
"Well, what do you know about trans people?" She asks him.
"Uh, that they're trans..." Zay says.
"Do you even know what transgender is?" Lucas asks.
"Born with the wrong body." Zay says and sticks his tounge out at Lucas.
"Well, for example, do you know how common it is to be transgender in the US?" Violet asks.
"Like, one in a thousand?" Zay asks.
"Actually it's just about one in two hundred." Violet says. "Did you know that about 62% of transgender women in the US have, at some point in their life, been depressed?" Violet adds.
"What?!" Lucas says surprised.
"That's insane!" Zay adds.
"But when it comes to people in general living in the US it's only 16,6%." She then says.
Lucas and Zay just sit there with their mouths open.
"You broke Lauren's boyfriend." Callie jokes.
"No, I'm just... I mean, that's a lot!" Lucas says.
"Have you ever been depressed?" Zay asks Violet.
"So far, no. But the odds aren't quite speaking for me!" Violet answers.
"I mean, you guys got a lot to deal with." Zay then says compassionately to Violet.
"Why don't you go out with Zay tonight?" Lauren asks Violet.
"I'm going home tomorrow?!" Violet says.
"Yeah, so why don't you spend your last evening here getting to know Zay?" Lauren asks her.
"Fine. But you and Lucas has to come too. And another couple our age. That isn't Smarkle and Fackle or whatever they're called." Violet says making Lucas and Zay laugh.
"There's only one guy remaining then, if he can get a date." Lauren says to Lucas. "Josh."

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