50. Old Pals

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It's now a few days after Riley and Maya came home from Philadelphia and Maya and Zay are hanging out at Topanga's on their own.
"So have you heard from Violet since they left New York?" Maya asks Zay.
"Well, I texted her and asked if they had gotten to Miami safely a few days later. She said yes. So then I texted her and asked what she was up to." Zay says.
"What did she say then?" Maya asks.
"Nothing." Zay says.
"Huh... Sounds like their lives are pretty boring without Lauren." Maya jokes.
"No, I mean, she didn't respond at all. But Lauren assured me she's alive."
"That's kind of rude."
"Well, maybe."
A silence goes over the two for a short moment, not an uncomfortable silence, though.
"No way." Zay says suddenly raising his eyebrows looking at a girl who looks about their age, very light skinned and long, black hair sitting by another table with an adult light skinned man with short brown hair and some beard.
"What is it?" Maya asks.
"It's just... I saw someone and I think I know her but I'm not sure it's who I think it is."
"Okay... Well why don't you call her name and she if she looks at you?"
Zay clears his throat and stands up.
"LEAH!" He shouts before looking around to see that everybody is quietly looking at him. "Well that didn't work." He said as he sits down.
"Well, of course, you were too loud."
"Okay, why don't you try?" Zay asks.
"I don't know her?"
"So you can't say her name just because you don't know her?"
"What is even her name? You shouted so loud I didn't even hear what you were saying."
"Leah." Zay says and Maya subtly looks over her shoulder to see that they still have her attention.
"I'm pretty sure that is Leah."
"Either she's still looking at us from when you shouted or she started looking at us when you said her name." Maya says.
"You think she recognizes me?"
"I think so, she's coming over."
"Hey, uhm... Zay?" Leah asks.
"Hey! I knew it was you!" Zay says as he gets up to hug her. "This is Maya. Maya, this is Leah."He then says.
"Nice to meet you!" Maya says.
"You too!" Leah says as she takes a seat with them too.
"So how do you guys know each other?" Maya asks.
"He used to be my foster brother." Leah explains.
"Your family fostered kids?" Maya asks.
"Uh, yeah they... Have." Zay says.
"You haven't told people?" Leah asks.
Zay shakes his head in response.
"I used to be a foster kid, Maya." Zay says.
"What?!" Maya asks as she's pretty surprised. "Really? Wow. Didn't see that coming. I mean, I knew you were adopted but not that you were a foster kid. But then you guys must've been foster siblings in Texas, right?"
"Yeah, but then we both got picked up by some social workers suddenly along with some other kids and we were all placed in different homes." Zay says.
"Why?" Maya asks.
"Who knows." Leah says. "They never told us."
"Really? That's pretty awful." Maya says.
"But we still kept in touch though, and then Zay got placed with Claire and Tom who adopted him." Leah says.
"Yeah, but what about you? You got adopted?" Zay asks with a really hopeful smile on his face.
"Yeah." Leah says smiling making Zay really happy. "How else would I be here, weirdo?" She jokes.
The man she was sitting with walks up to them.
"Zay, Maya." Leah starts. "This is my dad, Jeffrey."
"Jeff, please." He says and shakes hands with Maya and Zay. "So, you're Zay, huh? I've heard a lot about you! It's a pleasure to meet you."
"You too." Zay says smiling.
"Well, you haven't really heard a lot about him." Leah says.
"Leah said that even when times were tough for you guys you could always make her laugh." Jeff says making Zay smile.
"Wow, that's really nice to hear. But as I remember it, it was your daughter who would always make me laugh!" Zay says making Leah and Jeff smile.
"Right!" Jeff says suddenly. "I don't mean to interrupt or be rude but we should get going now, Leah. Kermit's waiting to pick you up."

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