26. Josh Is Here

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Maya's sitting in Riley's bay window while Riley's lying down on her back resting her head in Maya's lap. They're both playing on their phones in silence. Suddenly Maya drops her phone and it lands in Riley's face.
"Ouch!" Riley says and rubs her lip. "It landed on my lip!" She says with a sad facial expression.
"Oh, really? Want me to kiss away the pain?" Maya says and smirks.
"You're so cheesy!" Riley says smirking too as she reaches for a pillow and hits Maya in the face with it.
"You like it when I'm cheesy." Maya says and they smile at each other.
Maya bends down and kisses Riley just as Cory opens the door to Riley's bedroom.
"Josh is..." He's about to start before he sees them quickly pulling away from each other.
Maya gets a little nervous on what Cory will do or say next. He looks at them with a basic facial expression. He then starts to smile.
"You two are so cute." He says.
Maya and Riley both furrows their eyebrows as they look at each other and then smirk.
"Anyway," Cory continues. "Josh is here."
"Oh." Maya says. "I think... Could you ask him to come in here?"
"Will do." Cory says before walking out of Riley's bedroom.
Riley sits up and looks at Maya.
"What?" Maya asks.
"Nothing." Riley says and grabs Maya's hand.
They maintain to look at each other for a few seconds before Josh walks in through the door stealing all their attention and making Maya quickly let go of Riley's hand. Riley notices and looks at Maya shortly before looking back at Josh again.
"Josh." Maya says.
"Maya. And Riley." Josh answers smiling.
"I think we should talk." Maya says.
"Okay." Josh responds and takes a seat on Riley's bed.
Maya looks at Riley who looks questioning back at Maya.
"You should tell him, he's your family." Maya says.
Riley grabs Maya's hand.
"Maya's my girlfriend." Riley says.
Josh looks at them seriously for a second and then starts to laugh.
"Well, that's... That's great!" He says once he's stopped laughing as he smirks a lot. "But I already knew that." He then says and shrugs his shoulders.
"Oh, no." Riley says furrowing her eyebrows and pouting slighly.
"What's wrong, sweetie?" Maya asks.
"Everybody I tell about us, already knows." Riley says.
Maya pouts compassionately.
"Lucas didn't." Maya then says.
"But Farkle already knew. And then Shawn. And now Josh. And even Lucas said that it made sense!" Riley says.
"Well, it does..." Josh says all of the sudden.
He then sits down next to Maya in the baywindow.
"How long have you known that you liked each other?" He asks curiously.
"Well, I realized it when I went to Miami about three months ago." Maya answers.
"And when she came back she told Zay she liked me, and he only told us that she liked someone and I was trying to figure out who until I kissed her, realized it was me and understood I liked her too." Riley says and the two smiled at each other like an old, married couple talking about the first time they met.
"Neither of you have known for more than a few months?" He then asks and smirks.
"No...?" Maya says looking very confused.
"Really?" Josh furrows his eyebrows looking at Maya seriously.
"How long have you known?" Riley asks curiously as she, as well, furrows her eyebrows.
"Well I've always been suspicious to it but the first time I was truly convinced was in the ski lodge." Josh explains.
"Then why did you go on with the whole long game?" Maya asks.
"I almost knew that you two one day would become girlfriends. I didn't see the point in breaking your heart or at least making you disappointed when I could just wait for the two of you to see each other in a different perspective." He continues to explain to Maya.
"I don't buy it." Riley says squinting at him making him chuckle.
"Look, if I truly liked Maya I wouldn't have given her an unpredictable amount of time to wait, I would've asked her out. Also, first it was mostly about age. Then, after Ski Lodge I just saw her as your future girlfriend so it felt weird for me to go out with her." He finally tells Riley.
Maya squints looking at him.
"Fair enough." She starts. "But why are you really here, Josh?" She asks him.
He takes a breath.
"It's summer." Josh replies. "My parents told me they won't pay the rent for my dorm in the summer. They suggested I go back home, but I'd like to stay. So, I'm going to live here over the summer." He maintains.

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