41. Player?

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It's Sunday afternoon and Maya asked to meet Zay at Topanga's. She walks in and takes a seat where their group of friends usually sits. Soon, Zay also comes in and takes a seat across from her.
"Hi." Zay says.
"Hey." Maya answers.
"What did you wanna meet me for?" Zay asks.
"I'm not sure I'm bi..." Maya says making Zay raise his eyebrows. "But that's not why I wanted to talk to you. My mom's pregnant." Maya says.
"Really?" Zay says smiling. "That's amazing!" He continues. "Or it's not." He then says when he sees that Maya isn't smiling. "Is she not keeping it?" Zay says who, by now, have totally forgot the news Maya told him first.
"Yes. She is. I'm just..." She then continues. "I'm just worried about the future. It's a big change." Maya says.
"How can you feel comfortable discussing this at your moms job, though?" Zay asks.
"She doesn't work Sunday's." Maya replies.
"Oh. Wait, so we won't get any free cookies or something today?" Zay asks her.
"You know we get those cus Topanga owns this place and not cus my mom works here, right?" Maya asks him.
"Yeah." Zay answers. "Now I do."
"Anyway." Maya says. "How was your date last night?" She then asks.
"It was okay. I got to know Violet a bit better. We're probably not too good of a match romantically. But we could probably be friends." Zay says.
"Okay. And what is Jasmin like?" Maya asks.
"She's nice." Zay says. "Kind, funny. She seems to like to tease Josh. In a kind way, though." He says. "And he teases her back." He says and thinks for a second. "They kind of remind me of the way Lucas and Riley used to behave before they became boyfriend and girlfriend." He continues getting Maya's attention. "You know, but they tease each other and flirt more. And it's like they don't even know that they like their best friend." He adds as Lucas and Lauren enters.
"Who likes their best friend?" Lauren asks Zay as she sits down. And then she points at Maya as if asking if he's talking about her and Riley. Lucas sits down next to Lauren.
"No, Josh and Jasmin." Zay says.
"Oh, Joshmin." Lucas says.
"Yeah, I mean, you gotta be crazy if you don't ship them." Lauren says.
Lucas and Zay nods agreeing.
"Or in love with one of them." Zay says.
"Well, you're probably crazy if you're that too." Lauren says joking.
"Sssh!" Zay hushes her. "Maya's right here and she used to have a crush on him!" He says.
"What? You did?" Lauren asks surprised.
"Yeah? Best friends uncle, remember?" Maya asks.
"He's her uncle?!" Lauren asks very surprised.
"Yeah?" Lucas smirks with furrowed eyebrows.
"I thought he was like her older brother." Lauren says causing Lucas and Zay to smirk looking at her. "What, he does live with them!" Lauren says.
She then looks over at Maya who's looking down at the table all zoned out.
"And what are you thinking about?" Lauren asks her.
"What? Nothing." Maya says.
"I bet she's thinking about Riley!" Lucas says.
"Then why would she have taken a break from her?" Lauren asks him.
"Well, she kissed Riley last night." Lucas then answers.
"You did what?!" Lauren asks Maya with wide eyes.
"She told us this morning." Zay says.
"For the third time, she was starring at my lips! What was I suppose to do? Slap her?" Maya asks.
"You could've left?!" Lauren says.
"But she was starring at my lips." Maya repeats.
"What does that have to do with anything?" Lauren asks.
Maya furrows her eyebrows.
"What do you mean? She obviously wanted me to kiss her! And I... I wanted to kiss her too. So I did. And she kissed me back." Maya says.
"Well, you didn't tell us that this morning..." Lucas says.
"But I realized something when I kissed her..." Maya said and began shaking her head. "I'm not bi."

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