54. Adorable

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"Hey there!" Maya says walking in through the bay-window.
"Hi." Riley replies as Maya sits down next to Riley in the bay-window.
"I saw Leah again." Maya says.
"You did?" Riley asks excited.
"It wasn't intentionally, she was meeting Zay at Topanga's and I just happened to be there when she arrived." Maya says.
"Right, and she just happened to remember you?" Riley asks.
"Yeah. I reminded her of Kermit." Maya says awkwardly.
"Oh. So what did you talk about?" Riley asks.
"Zay, her dads, you for a moment, Lucas." Maya says.
"Lucas?" Riley asks furrowing her eyebrows.
"Yeah, Lucas. Pretty sure he's the reason why Zay and Leah didn't meet for like 2 or 3 years before Zay even moved." Maya says.
"What? Why?" Riley asks.
"For starters, when Zay transferred schools he started hanging out with her less and instead hung out with Lucas and his friends." Maya says.
"Well then he's not completely at fault." Riley defends him.
"No, but then Zay didn't show up, on September 3rd. And that's when she'd had it." Maya says.
"Oh." Riley replies.
"Also, Riley, there's something I've been wanting to tell you." Maya says looking down.
"Okay. What is it?" Riley asks.
"It's about when we were on a break." Maya says.
"Sounds like bad news." Riley says with a worried face.
"Well it's good and bad news." Maya says looking at her and then back at the floor.
"Then start with the good news!" Riley says looking happier.
"Well, the good news are really only good news after you've heard the bad news." Maya says as Riley's face goes back to worry.
"Well then, just tell me?" Riley asks her.
Maya looks at Riley and takes a deep breath.
"I wasn't sure I was bi." Maya says. "I mean, comparing my feelings for you and other guys I've liked, there's such a big difference. I... I had never even kissed a guy." Maya explains.
"Had?" Riley asks.
"Well..." Maya starts. "I was going to kiss Josh."
Riley doesn't say anything, she doesn't react.
"I'm sorry, I was going to tell you..." Maya says.
"When?" Riley asks.
"When we were on a break." Maya says.
"No, when were you going to tell me?" Riley asks.
"...When we were on a break..." Maya says. "I was going to tell you before it even happened, Riley. The night I kissed you? Your dad interrupted us, otherwise I would've told you, Riles." Maya holds her hand. "I'm sorry."
"Why were you just going to kiss him?" Riley asks.
"We were really about to kiss, he knew why I wanted to kiss him and agreed to it but I backed out, cus it felt wrong. And after that I thought about it all quite alot, my lips were just a couple inches from Josh's and all I felt was guilt. Cus you didn't even know it was happening, Riley. And I've felt guilty ever since. I have a girlfriend now and I love her. I realized that I don't have to know if I'm gay or bi or whatever, as long as I have you, it doesn't matter. And as long as I have you, I don't like guys. Or any other girls. Just you. I love you so insanely much, Honey." Maya says as they both let a few happy tears run down their cheeks.
Maya puts her hands under Riley's chin to wipe away her tears while still looking deeply into each other's eyes.
"Me too." Riley says smiling. "Thunder." She then adds.
"Lightning." Maya replies.
"Forever." They then say at the same time while still looking into each other's eyes.

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