16. Making Plans & Being A Disappointment

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Maya, Riley, Zay, Farkle & Smackle are sitting in Riley's room. Maya, Riley and Zay in the baywindow and Farkle and Smackle on Riley's bead.
"So now she knows too?" Zay asks who just arrived.
"Yes, thankfully Farkle decided not to tell anyone what he saw." Maya says.
"Okay." Zay says.
"I still don't understand what you're going to do about Lucas." Smackle says.
"I haven't quite; figured that out yet." Riley says.
"Neither of us, especially Riley, wants to hurt him." Maya adds.
"Do you think there's any way to tell him without him getting hurt?" Farkle asks.
They all just sit there quietly and think for a few seconds.
"Maybe." Zay starts. "If we can somehow make him fall in love with another girl."
"I'll do it." Smackle says as she quickly stands up.
"Smackle!" Farkle says.
Smackle sits down again.
"Hang on." Maya says. "I know someone single who could do it. Or at least Lucas doesn't know she's in a relationship."
"What? Who?" Riley asks.
"In Miami, I met a girl named Lauren. She could probably fit pretty good with Lucas." Maya says.
"But she's in Miami, right?" Zay asks.
"Yeah..." Maya says and bites her lip.
"They could text?" Smackle says.
"That's true!" Maya says.
"But she can't just start texting him for no reason." Zay says.
"So if we give them a reason to start texting?" Riley asks.
"She could've gotten the wrong number." Farkle says.
"That's good!" Maya starts. "But the wrong number to what?" Maya asks.
"We need to make sure that he won't think it's weird that she maintains the conversation." Smackle says.
"So if someone was selling something that Lucas is interested in? And they gave her the wrong number?" Riley asks.
"Sounds good to me!" Zay says.
"Great! We're a really good team." Maya says and smiles and they all smile and laugh a little.
Then they all sit there for about 10 seconds in silence.
"So, what does Lucas like?" Smackle asks and they all start thinking again.
"A monkey in a cowboy hat?" Maya asks.
"Maya..." Riley says.
"What? He likes animals and cowboy things, can you name one other thing that you know he likes?" Maya asks.
They all think for a few seconds again.
"Okay." Riley says then.
"But a monkey? Who has a monkey?" Farkle says.
"Yeah! We should take a pig instead!" Zay says.
The other four looks at him questioning.
"No, let's just take a cowboy hat for a dog." Riley says.
"Why a dog?" Smackle asks.
"Cus Lucas is a dog person." Riley says.
"How do you remember things like that?" Maya asks.
"Well, I did like him." Riley says.
"Okay, I'll talk to Lauren and ask her to do it." Maya says.
"I just remembered another thing." Zay starts. "Josh."
They all look at Maya.
"I; didn't even think of that." Maya says.
"How do you think he's going to react?" Farkle asks Maya.
"I'm not sure I want to do this anymore..." Maya says and climbs out the baywindow.
Farkle, Zay, Smackle and Riley looks confusedly at each other for a few seconds until Riley gets up and out the baywindow. She runs down the fire escape and as she runs around the corner she sees Maya sitting on a bench. She walks up to her and sits down next to her.
"You okay?" Riley asks.
"I don't know." Maya answers.
Riley looks a little uncomfortable as she carefully asks Maya the next question.
"Do you; still like Josh?" Riley asks.
Maya thinks for a couple of seconds.
"Yeah." She then answers causing Riley to look a little upset. "But I like you more." She adds.
Riley gets relieved.
"I feel the same way with Lucas." Riley says.
"It's unfair. That to some, two people simply aren't allowed to be in love just because of; what gender they are." Maya says.
"I know." Riley says.
"I like you more than Josh. But it feels more accepted that I like Josh." Maya says and looks down.
"Well, it is more accepted. But you're Maya and you have never cared about what people think." Riley says.
"But it's different now. Cus it used to be strangers judging me. Now it's my mom." Maya starts. "I don't want her to be disappointed of me."

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