48. Leaving

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It's Tuesday morning now and Maya walks into her room. She had just gone to the bathroom and now she's back. She looks at the suitcase, guitar case and the backpack in which she has put her stuff. Neither Shawn or Katy are home. They're both working. Maya takes a notepad and a pen and sits down on her bed. She starts to write. She's writing a letter to her mom in which she explains that she's in love with Riley and also stating that she did run away. As she writes that she is aware of how her mom feels about same-sex relationships, she stains the paper with tears. After she's done writing she tears off the paper from the notepad and folds it once before putting it on the bed. She then takes her bags and heads to the subway station, where Riley will say goodbye to her.

Maya's waiting at the subway station. She's sitting at a bench looking at the clock. Suddenly she hears Riley's voice and when she turns around she sees Riley followed by Smackle, Lucas and Farkle carrying one suitcase each while Riley has a small backpack in her hand. After the four comes Zay with an ice-cream in his hand. When she notices that Maya's looking at them with wide eyes, she smirks.
"What, you thought I'd let you leave me?" Riley asks.
"And you were going to leave without saying goodbye to us?" Lucas asks Maya.
"Well," She starts. "Yeah." She then says shrugging her shoulders.
"Well, that's offensive. What does she have that I don't?" Farkle asks.
"I think I know..." Zay says with a big amused smile on his face.
Everybody cringes.
"Where are you even going?" Smackle asks before furrowing her eyebrows.
"Philadelphia." Riley says as Maya looks at her while furrowing her eyebrows. "What? If Lauren can live with her aunt for a while, so can I. And you."
"Well, you already live with your uncle, you know... Josh..." Maya asks.
"And for how long will you be gone?" Zay then asks looking down at the heavy suitcases.
"You didn't even carry one?" Lucas says.
"Well, you didn't even have trouble carrying one." Smackle says.
"What makes you think that?" Lucas asks him.
"Oh, I don't know, 'I'm strong as a horse, I don't even work on it, I just am.'" Farkle says quoting Lucas with a silly voice.
"Can't we see a make-up kiss though?" Zay says smiling.
"Hey!" Lucas says. "We haven't even seen you two kiss." Lucas says.
"Maybe I'm not a PDA person." Riley says.
"Yeah, you just kissed Lucas on your first date in the middle of a subway train..." Zay says.
"You weren't even there?" Lucas says.
"Okay, can you stop focusing on the details?" Zay asks. "Now." He then turns to Riley and Maya. "Kiss."
"This is awkward." Maya says.
"You're making it awkward." Farkle argues.
"Fine." Riley says and puts her hands on each side of Maya's face before she kisses her.
Farkle, Lucas and Zay suddenly shivers.
"What was that about?" Smackle asks them.
"No idea..." Lucas says awkwardly.
"Yeah... Me neither..." Zay adds, also awkwardly.
"Well, I really don't know." Farkle says as if Lucas and Zay were lying.
The subway train arrives and they all hug and say goodbye before Riley and Maya get on the subway, Lucas helping them with all the bags. He then gets out again and the train leaves.

Katy, coming home before Shawn, walks into their house.
"Maya? I'm home!" She shouts as she puts down her purse on the kitchen table.
"Maya?" She then repeats louder before walking to Maya's room.
She opens the door and quickly realizes what's going on after seeing the empty room. She sees the letter on the bed and quickly rushes over to sit down on the bed and read it. As she's reading, she, as well, stains the paper with tears. She then rushes to the Matthews' as fast as she can. She's crying while she's running with the letter in a tight grip.

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