32. Arguing, Arguing, Arguing

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Riley and Maya goes into Riley's room and closes the door.
"You kissed Lauren?" Riley asks as soon as she closes the door.
"No! She kissed me. And I told her basically as soon as I could that I am in love with you!"
"Oh yeah? So you don't like her at all in that way? What were you and Farkle talking about earlier, then?!"
"Funny you should bring that up. He told me that Lucas wants to get back together with you. Why didn't you tell me? Are you thinking about it?!" Maya confronts her.
"Oh, come on, Maya! Why would I try to set him up with Lauren if I liked him?"
"I don't know! You seemed pretty jealous when you met his girlfriend!"
"I was annoyed because I knew he was just doing that because of Lauren!"
"Well, you seemed a little too irritated at him for it to just be that!"
"I just haven't had a chance to tell you, Maya!"
"How many chances haven't you had? What about yesterday, before we found out Josh is gonna stay here for the summer? Or this morning? Or earlier today?!" Maya asks.
"Well, we're not talking the way we used to before we were a couple anymore!" Riley shouts surprising Maya who doesn't say anything, she just keeps quiet for a moment.
"Wow. Well, I'm sorry I fell in love with you. I'm sorry I kissed you. I'm sorry I ruined your perfect world with the perfect boyfriend and a best friend who's just supposed to stand there in the sidelines and be forgotten once we grow up!" Maya shouts back.
"Why are you insisting that I still like Lucas?!" Riley shouts and then stops for a moment again. "Don't you trust me?" She then calmly asks.
Maya looks at Riley. She looks at her lips and then at her eyes and then she looks at her own hand. She looks at her ring before she huffs out some air.
"I guess I don't." She then says and climbs out the bay window.
Riley feels a tear running down her cheek. She walks over to her desk and pulls out a drawer. She picks up a key and goes to lock her bedroom door. She puts the key down on her desk again and lays down in bed. The second she lays down she feels even more tears running down both cheeks. She picks up her phone and texts Josh.
"We fought. A lot. We won't be playing anymore." She types and then hits send.

They're still playing out in the living room and having a lot of fun. At least everyone but Lauren and Lucas. Suddenly Josh gets a notification on his phone. He picks it up and checks it.
"Oh." He says getting everyone's attention. "Riley and Maya had a huge fight. They're not gonna be playing anymore." He announces with a frown.
"Well, I don't even want to play this game anymore so let's call it a night." Lucas says.
"Why doesn't he like Lauren?" Allison asks Smackle quietly.
"They used to have a thing over text but then he found out that me, Farkle, Riley, Maya and Zay set her up to text him cus we wanted to make him fall in love with her so he wouldn't get hurt when Riley left him for Maya." Smackle explains.
"No, come on." Josh says. "Why can't we play without them?"
"She's the one who lives here." Lucas responds.
"Well, at the moment, so do I." Josh says. "And I say, we should play spin the bottle."
"What? No way! I'm not kissing her!" Lucas protests.
"What is up with you?!" Allison asks him suddenly. "Why don't you try and pay attention to your girlfriend instead?!" She asks and leaves. Lucas runs after her.

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