56. Some Minds Blown

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"What do you mean no offense?" Leah asks.
"I'll be right back. Zay too." Maya suddenly says.
"What?" Zay asks.
"Yup." Maya says as she drags Zay out of there.
"What is it?" Zay asks.
"Should I tell her now?" Maya asks.
"Tell me what?" Leah asks as she was eavesdropping.
"I should probably make sure nobody's stealing my cookies. " Zay says as he walks back into Topanga's and the girls give him a strange look.
"Leah, there's something you should know." Maya says. "I know your dad. I know Kermit."
"What? How? You haven't even met him, how are you so sure it's even the same guy?" Leah asks.
"How many gay divorced guys named Kermit do you think there are in New York?" Maya asks.
"Fine, but how do you know him?" Leah asks.
Maya doesn't say anything, she doesn't know what to say or how to.
"Are you related to him?" Leah asks.
"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Maya says.
"How close?" Leah asks.
"Like an uncle?" Leah asks.
"No, he's... Closer." Maya says.
Leah furrows her eyebrows.
"Oh my God! Is he your dad?! Am I your sister?!" Leah asks her very loudly.
"Well" Maya starts. "I guess you could say that."
"What? That's crazy! No, no, hold on, there's gotta be a mistake here." Leah says.
"Why?" Maya asks.
"Your dad abandoned you and your mom, that's not my dad." Leah's arguing. "My dad would never..."
"Maya?" Kermit says standing at the top of the stairs to Topanga's seeing his daughters talking.
Leah understands quickly that it is, in fact, the same guy.
"Hi." Leah says. "Is this my sister?" Leah asks.
Zay walks back out eating a cookie.
Kermit looks startled. "Yes, Leah. That's your sister." Kermit says with a bit of shame since he hadn't told her yet.
"I missed a lot, huh?" Zay asks through the chewing.
"This isn't the way I wanted you two to meet." Kermit says.
"Meet?" Maya asks. "I have barely seen you since you left us 10 years ago. Now you're telling me you were planning for us to meet?" Maya asks. Her face becomes expressionless. "So you are the reason my dad hasn't adopted me?"
"Maya, I'm your dad." Kermit states.
"But you're not!" Maya starts. "My dad, Shawn has been taking care of me in more and better ways for the past year than you have during my entire lifetime! He is my dad."
"You know, I didn't abandon you two. I left cus I didn't know how to tell your mom why I didn't love her anymore." Kermit says.
"No. No, you left cus you were too scared to even ask your wife about her thoughts on gay people that you decided it was a better idea to leave your 5 year old daughter with a single parent who could barely get enough money for rent!" Maya argues.
"You wouldn't understand what it's like. Everywhere I looked there were people I knew wouldn't want to know me anymore if I came out. I'd rather leave you than have her take you away from me." Kermit replies.
"I wouldn't know what it's like?" Maya asks. "I like girls. Riley's my girlfriend and thanks to you, for several months I lived in fear of my mom finding out cus I thought she was a homophobe but really she was just pissed at you. Cus she had just found out you abandoned us cus you're gay. But you're right, I wouldn't know what it's like." Maya answers and Kermit looks at her remorsefully. "I'm 15 and I have a girlfriend. Do you even know how many people who, even before Riley and I became a couple, looked at us? And you know what I mean when I say that. And then they think they're quietly telling their friends that we're just teenagers, that it's a phase, that we're just experimenting. And I wanna tell those people that we're not, that we are in love even if we are just teenagers. But I don't. Cus I'm also scared." Maya finishes and walks up the stairs and right past him, managing to bump into him with her shoulder.

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