"I know about Jaemin."

He stepped back and bowed, looking into a priceless face of shock just before he turned and disappeared into the crowd, walking directly toward Lord Min Yoongi and Lord Na Jaemin as the crowd of men swarmed the Prince who was either relieved or terrified of the four words just spoken to him.

For Jaemin's sake, Jimin prayed it would be the former.


Yoongi could not believe that Jimin seemed to be ENJOYING dancing with the enemy, his beautiful eyes gazing into Jeno's as if he was already falling for the prince.

Yoongi couldn't deny that Jimin appeared happy, whirling around with a foreign, handsome prince, surrounded by crowds in awe of their collective beauty, the pair undeniably looking incredible together.

Despite his vow to himself that he would never stand in Jimin's way to happiness, he found himself craving that dance from a month ago, starving for intamacy with the one person he felt he could truly love.

His heart ripped at the seams, begging to reveal his true feelings and clamoring to stuff them back inside, his doubting mind sure that Jimin could never feel the same magnitude toward him.

He resolved then, the moment Jimin glanced to where he was standing with an equally sad Na Jaemin, to stop loving Jimin, no matter what it took, no matter how badly he wished to cradle his small body in his arms for all eternity.

If he truly loved Jimin, then he would not stand in the way of the treaty, of Jimin's happiness, and of their lives, as his interference in the selection process would mean their lives and a war that could kill much more than his meaningless life.

Perhaps, if he sacrificed his dedicated his life to Jimin's protection and care, they would make it out alive, the kingdoms turned from enemies to allies, and everything but his life left to prosper.

He was simply Jimin' s bodyguard.

Nothing more.


The rest of the ball continued, with men scrambling to get one dance with Jeno, like thirsty dogs who could only be quenched by one taste of the Prince.

It made Hoseok laugh to himself, watching the pathetic display of Princes and Lord alike, clamoring for one man, who, in Hoseok's opinion, wasn't even the best looking there.

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