Fear of loosing

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Chapter 37: Fear of loosing

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Chapter 37: Fear of loosing

Khushi!!!!! His eyes grew widen when he saw a man pointing gun toward her while she was walking aimlessly oblivious someone triggering her. Arnav was terrified till death. Panic filled him as he realized what is going to happen.

No! he shouted. His yelling voice brought her back into senses and she saw him running toward her. Next moment she heard a gun fire and before she could do anything, she was covered with blood. She placed her hand over her mouth in horror seeing blood all over her. But it is not her blood nor she feel any pain. She turned and saw him felling down on floor and blood is oozing from his shoulder. Her eyes grew wider in terror

Arnav!!! She immediately held him in her arms before he fell down and put him in her lap.

''How this happen? Hey devimaiya you are bleeding..'' She look around and saw a man running away from back street. She didn't seen his face due to darkness and he is already left.

Arnav..!! she pressed his shoulder to stop his blood but of no use. Her face drenched with tears seeing his condition. Blood was flowing continuously from his shoulder like water making her scared like hell. She was trembling in fear..fear of loosing him. He was breathing hard and his face become pale. He cupped her cheeks that has been drenched with tears.

Arnav: ''Why you are scared? No one can harm you until this Arnav singh raizada is alive. Every problem will have to go through me before it reaches you. I haven't given any person right to harm you. There is nothing to fear..'' He assure her wiping those tears off her cheeks but more droplets stream down her eyes. Her heart swelled seeing the depth of his love. He loved me so much why I failed to see the purity of his love. She lean down and kissed him deeply, wildly and passionately and broke apart after a while longer.

Khushi: ''Your love is the most purest thing I ever known. Now I understand the real meaning of love..now I understand you arnav..'' She couldn't stop kissing him over and over again.

Arnav: ''Calm down khushi..i am alright!'' She hugged him tightly as if wanted to dissolve into his embrace.

Khushi: ''Don't leave me..i am scared to loose you..'' She was trembling in fear seeing the blood. She don't know what to do how to stop his blood and upon that he was breathing hard and trying hard to control his pain so that she won't get scared. She haven't see so much blood in her entire life. Her heart was sinking.

Khushi: ''Nothing will happen to you..nothing..'' She scan her eyes desperately to search anyone but found no one who could help her. She got up to find any way when stopped her pulling her hand back.

Arnav: ''Kh..sh..i..I...!''

Khushi: Nothing happen to you..i promise..'' He touched her face and smiled satisfactorily.

Arnav: ''Don't worry I m fine..!!'' She kissed his hand that glued on his cheeks and he wipe her tears to sooth her.

Khushi: ''Yah I know how much you are alright..!'' His eyes was getting heavy all of the sudden. She was swallowed like hell and shake him to make him conscious. Panic rushed through her body and upon that she cannot find a source where she could save him or took him to hospital. There car broke down and no vehicle is available. Blood rushed through her veins.

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