chapter 8: Revenge

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Chapter 8: Revenge

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Chapter 8: Revenge

Arnav standing near the balcony, trying
to calm himself but every-time he closed his eyes, khushi's face came in front of his eyes. He grasped in frustration. okay? Lavanya hugged him from behind kissing his right cheek and her other hand careless on his chest. He instantly pushed her away.

''Don't you dare to come near me. What do you think of yourself? Stay in your limits..''. He said before pulling her off.

But why you are angry with me? You must be thankful to me I have saved you from that bitch. He tightened his grip and and looked at her furiously.

Just looked at badly you are hurt! She spoke while touching his wounded hand while blood is oozing from his hand continuously.

Don't show your fake concern to me. He pushed her away and she is trying to throw herself on him.

No I won't...until I will not finish bandaging. She started applying ointment and trail her fingers on her shoulder seductively to seduce him. His anger raised by realizing what she is trying to do. He instantly jerked her had and pulled her hairs roughly.I am warning you..leave me alone otherwise the consequence will be worse for you.

I love you hurts me while seeing you hurt.''Ouchh..''she hissed while touching him again.

Oh really! He gave her sly smile and pushed her away.

Wow...what a talented actress you are..i am impressed. think I am enacting my love? How can you think like that.

You all girls want just one thing how to trap rich guys and get fame and power and for that, you all can go to any extent. That's why I hate girls!

If that's the case then why you are in relation with me since so many days? Lavanya asked tearfully.

Relation my foot? There is no relation between are no one to me.

What I did that you are treating me like this? I am the one who lied to your sister and you are blaming me.

I am not a fool to get trapped on your plan. I knew it you are the one who called anju from office.

What?No asr I didn't called her? Why would I do that and that to you? She get panicked feeling his burning glare at her.

''Because I gave khushi more importance than you and you can't able bear it''.

That b**** she is behind all... i haven't did me asr! She spoke by moving closer to him. He snapped his hand which make her stop.

Oh shut up lavanya!! Can't you get bored by lieing again and again. I knew you called her. Every single moment khushi is with me and don't you dare to gave me any explanation. I hate your presence in my life.
That girl khushi, she is not less than you, she also trapped Nk and when she came to know he don't have any property, she started making distance from him. She messes with me. I will show her how it cost to mess with arnav singh raizada. How dare she go against me and met my Anju. I won't spare her also. You both will be punished. He spoke printing red marks over skin

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