Chapter 11: Punishing the punished

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Punishing the punished

Khushi was sitting in her room all alone and was looking out of the window and was staring at nothing. Her mind was only occupied with the thought how her life changed completely within in few days.

Someone's lust and power destroyed her innocence completely.The person whom she loved the most never trusted her. The person with whom she wanted to spend her life with called her "characterless". She didn't knew what was her mistake, for what she was punished so brutally. Tears were continuously flowing down from her eyes remembering all the beautiful time spent with NK. She never knew the destiny will play such a joke with her. She wanted to forget everything but it was impossible for her. Every passing second was killing her internally. She wanted to kill the person responsible for this but she can't do anything. she somewhere knew that she will never be able to fight against him. She had left all the hopes.

Garima was quietly standing on the door and was observing her daughter quietly. She knew what her daughter was really going through. The pain was clearly visible in her eyes. She wanted her daughter to forget the past but it was not at all easy for Khushi to forget the bitter past of her life. Arnav had not only destroyed khushi but her entire family was suffering from the pain given by him. Garima quietly entered Khushi's room and placed her hand on Khushi's shoulder sitting just next to her on the floor. Khushi was not reacting much after all that had happened in her life but as she saw Garima next to her she couldn't control anymore and started crying badly in her mother's lap. The only words that came from her side were

"Maaa... why always me !!! why cant I stay happy. Why did he do this to me ? why don't he trust me and believe that I am not a girl."the word characterless was pricking her heart. "I was f..orc..ed". (She choked in between but continued)."His brother...f..o.r..ce..d me.."

Garima was letting Khushi cry but her heart was paining looking at her daughter in such a state. She will never be able to forgive both the Raizada brothers responsible for her daughter's condition. She was trying hard to console Khushi and only managed to say "everything will be fine one day. Devimaiya will not let her kids suffer so much. She will give you all the happiness you deserve but for now (cupping Khushi's face and wiping her tears) you have to be strong. You have to fight for the right. You can't be a coward. You are my brave daughter. Show this world that though we are not financially strong but even we have respect..."

"yes...beta have to fight for the right. You can't lose hope"..said Shashi entering Khushi's room. He was passing from there and looking at his wife and daughter's state he came to console them.

All these words of encouragement gave a good impact on Khushi. She was ready to fight for the right. As the family was consoling each other suddenly Khushi's phone buzzed and she was shocked beyond words to see the name on the phone. It was NK's text message. She hurriedly opened it and become happy and smiled a bit.
Khushi-" ma..babuji..its NK..he wants to meet me. I am sure he had found out the truth...maa see.."

Garima took Khushi's phone and read the message...
"I want to meet you. Please come as soon as possible. I know I was wrong please come back to me. I am waiting for you at AR"

Garima and Shashi were happy looking at their daughter's excited face.

Khushi asked her parents " may I go babu ji...please"..." I know NK must be very sorry for his behavior and that's why he called me" "May I please..."
Shashi - "What if Dhruv comes to know about all this"..."he had very strictly said that you should not meet NK..and even I think you should not go there"

Garima- "yess...even I think that your babuji and Dhruv are should avoid going there alone...and moreover I had arranged for puja for your well being..we had to go there..Dhruv is also coming directly to the temple..what if he comes to know about all this..he will not like this at all..he will get very angry"

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