Meeting the beast

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Chapter 13:Meeting the beast

Khushi was lying on her bed but she could not sleep. Thought of going to the same place where she lost everything was disturbing her every moment. How can she forget the day and that place where she lost her everything and the bitter truth of her life. But now she cant be weak, she has to be strong not only for herself but also for her brother. Night passed away and the new day peeped in from the windows of her apartment.
She got from the bed and started getting ready. Dhruv knew what all things must be going in her mind and decided to meet her once before the leave. He knocked her door.

Khushi- "Bhaiya... you!!!...and what is the need to ask permission before entering my room...I am you "gudiyaa" na so why all these formalities??"

Dhruv- "Khushi... but you have changed a lot. I know what all had happened to you is not at all easy to forget but still who have become so hard hearted.

Khushi- ( taking a deep breath) "bhaiya.. you know the reason for all this..."

Dhruv-" but still are not the same anymore...a girl who used to be so bubbly...who always used to tease me trouble me...where had that Khushi gone...Do you think ma and baba would be happy to see you such?"

Khushi- (almost in tears but tried controlling herself) -"bhaiya...after all that had happened I have realised the fact that...(with chooked voice) you cant be weak..if you are weak this world is going to crush you with their power...and that khushi you are talking about died the same night when i saw my ma and baba...(she couldnt control anymore and instantly hugged Dhruv)

Dhruv -"Stop Khushi...please i never had any intention to make you cry again...but i can't see you like this anymore..(caressing his hand on her back)...You need to forget everything whatever happened with you...those past  2 years we all had suffered...seeing you in that state every moment used to kill me from inside that i wasn't their to save from that monster."

Khushi- "bhaiya...(breaking the hug and wipping his tears for which in return Dhruv wipped hers)...that was not your was just meant to happened...and you a moment ago said lets forget everything and you yourself have started crying...not fair bhaiya..
Dhruv somewhere realised that Khushi was trying to calm down and lighten the situation...and hurriedly said "ok no more crying...common now we are getting late now...but before we leave promise me you will be strong there...??"

Khushi- "haan common hurry up otherwise we will miss our flight"


Arnav was sitting in his cabin and was occupied with the work.

Suddenly his eyes felt on the date of his laptop. He remembered that it was the same day and flashes of the past hit his memory again and his own words started echoing in his mind..." ohh is it still paining...I told you to compromise but you didn't obey were busy in your useless bare the consequences"... He closed his eyes remembering every single word of his..." I already took what I wanted...haan but if you don't want me do to anything to you and your beloved have to leave this city"

His own words were pricking his heart and  only one thought was coming in his mind .."How can stoop so low..just to take a revenge I nearly killed that innocent girl". His eyes were shut and the lone tear rolled down his eyes...
His trance was broken by the sudden knock on the door. He hurriedly wipped his tear and ordered the person to come in. NK entered the his cabin and looked at Arnav. He could notice the sadness on his face but could not figure out the reason.

"Arnav, were you crying.
Arnav thought that now he is caught and answered in a sturn voice _" are you mad...why am I a gonna cry"

NK-"hmm...true. Ok I am here to discuss about the model  for our photoshoot. Have you thought of someone."

Arshi FF: Destroyed!! ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora