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Chapter 19:"BREAK DOWN"

Same night:

Anjali-"hello, Dhruv bhai is ready to meet Khushi...and is khushi alright?"

Dhruv-"yaa...she is fine..but I really feeling bad..i should have not done this to her..."

Anjali-"hmm...but we are doing this for her...once she marries Bhai...she will forget what all happened with her in the past.."

Dhruv-"yes..i hope everything goes good the way you are going with her, right..?"

Anjali-"you are not accompanying us?"

Dhruv-"no... actually I have some important works and moreover I don't want to pressurize her.."

Anjali-"okay, then no problem...I am there for her".

Dhruv-"ok, bye good night..."


The night passed away quickly and the new day began unaware with the futures of four people. Everyone was unaware what were they heading towards to...especially what surprises this day had planned for them. Khushi was getting ready in her room thinking about her meeting with Anjali's brother. Though Anjali had always cared for her and supported her the times when she needed her family the most but today she cant spoil Anjali's brother's life by marrying him. No one would like to marry a victim and especially when she is keen to take her revenge with that person. Though she had decided that she will tell him everything about her past and if only he is willing to marry her after knowing the truth she will marry him. This time she has to think about her brother Dhruv and his Anjali too. She cant be selfish this time.

On the other hand Arnav was also busy in getting ready to meet the girl of his sister's choice. He had no plans of getting married especially after destroying someones life but today only for her sister's sake he is going to meet the girl. He knew that he is a rapist and he deserves all grief . he wanted to repent for his crimes and sins but only thing he is not getting was a chance. A single chance to say sorry, a single chance to heal her wounds, a single chance to give her all the happiness in life...but this was not easy...No one even he himself would give a chance to a person who can stoop so low..but he had to amend his mistakes anyhow. He had already destroyed one girl's life now he cant destroy another's life by marrying her. His thoughts were broken by the knock on the door.

Anjali-"Bhai...are you ready..?"

Arnav-(with a fake smile)-"yes I am..."

Anjali-"okay then I am leaving for the hotel..will see you their...and don't be late..."


Anjali-(hugged him once )-"thank you bhai...(and ran downstairs as she was getting late)

Arnav could not help himself but just smiled at his sisters...and then suddenly Khushi's face came in front of his cute she she used to smile...that along with her everyone heart smiled and now today her every words hurt his heart...

Anjali didn't want to be late she instantly rushed to Khushi's place picked her up and rushed to the hotel where Arnav was called. Khushi nervousness was very much visible on her face.

Anjali-"don't worry Khushi...Bhai wont eat you up..."! she giggled

Khushi (just faked a smile)-" I know but I don't understand why are you forcing us?"

Anjali-"we want your good...that's it...and now come on, no arguments... just come with us..."

There was silence from Khushi's side, only Anjali was blabbering in the entire journey. She wanted to calm Khushi down but that was not at all helping her. They finally reached their destination and went to the room which was booked earlier by Anjali keeping in mind the privacy of the two. Both Arnav and khushi would not felt comfortable in the public restaurants they entered their room and was waiting for Arnav.

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