Charles : Understood and I will send them with you.

Pax : I will be waiting, sir.

"No, Pax stay with us. I don't want you wandering off somewhere else." You spoke calmly.

"Ment- Yes, teacher." Pax replied back.

Charles : Well now what was there all about ?!

Y/N : I had a nightmare, I guess.

Charles was totally surprised to hear those words from you "Well that's....... totally a surprising response from you. Did you hear him Pax, your mentor had a nightmare." With that Charles chuckled.

Charles and David sat next to you and started talking. David asked Charles "So what actually happened here at Portlock?"

[ Portlock was a uncolonized wild planet full of mysterious creatures but few months ago United Empire Government sent few hundred thousand citizens to colonize the planet. ]

Charles pointed his at you "Y/N knows more than I do because he heard everything during mission briefing."

You shook your head and while saying "Sorry but I don't remember anything about the mission"

William : What come on, Y/N.

"Just tell us what you know Charles, it's better than going without any information." Reagan said.

Charles : It is a strange case. Strange and frightening. First their scouts began disappearing. Went off into the woods and didn't come back. Granted, their scouts are completely green, bunch of Grand Army rookies, but then again, the city they built was smaller than an average city of the United Empire Standards maybe because of the population .... well, used to live here. So anyway, their scouts start disappearing. One detachment leaves - and vanishes. At first they thought something was holding them up.

The words he said sent chills down your spine. You began remembering what happened.

"So what happened to the scouts ? Quawer attack ? Heretics ? Rebels ? Or some local beasts ?" William asked driven by his curiosity.

Korolov : You are asking too much, William.

David : And then what happened Charles ?

"And neither the patrols, nor those at the city could see anything, no matter how much light they threw at it. No one appeared - for half an hour, then for an hour, then two. They wondered where the scouts could have gone - they were only going one kilometre into the woods. They weren't allowed to go any  further and anyway, they aren't total idiots ..... Long story short, they couldn't wait to find out. They sent reinforcements [City Guards] who searched and searched, and shouted and shouted - but it was all in vain. The patrol was gone. The scouts had vanished. And it wasn't just that no one had seen what had happened to them. The worst part was that they hadn't heard a sound . . . not a sound. There was no trace of them whatsoever. And when they sent search droids and drones their signal began fading and in the end all of them went missing.

Reagan was already beginning to regret that he had asked Charles to tell the whole case. You couldn't remember anything about the mission briefing so you weren't sure that Charles was either better informed, or was embellishing the case. But you were sure that mission details sent a chill over Reagan's skin, and he became uncomfortable even sitting next to the fire. And the same goes for you any rustlings from the woods, even the most innocent, were now exciting your imagination.

Wilcox : Shut the hell up there ! I'm trying to sleep here.

Charles : So, there you have it. They hadn't heard any gunfire so they decided that the scouts had simply left them - maybe they were dissatisfied with something, and had decided to run. So, to hell with them. If it's an easy life they want, if they want to run around with all kinds of riff-raff, then let them run around to their hearts content. It was simpler to see it that way. Easier. But a week later, yet another scout team disappeared. And they weren't supposed to go any further than half a kilometre from the City. And again, the same old story. Not a sound, not a trace. Like they'd vanished into thin air. So then they started getting worried back at the city. Now they had a real mess on their hands - two squadrons had disappeared within a week. They'd have to do something about it. Meaning, they'd have to take measures. Well, they set up a defence walls around the city and they set up machine guns and a spotlight-according to the rules of fortification. They sent a transmission to nearby space station. Transmission quickly came to the space station security sector and that transmission told everything about the situation but at the end of the transmission something happened.

Shattered Pieces  (Annie Leonhardt X Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt