Entry 123: Desperate times

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[After briefly checking Meltlilith's matrix, which now contains the skill Melt Virus EX, we go talk to Kiara and Andersen in their usual corner.]

Kiara: You wish to borrow my code cast?

Andersen: Don't. That's nothing kids like you should be tampering with. As appropriate for this filthy she-cat, it's a magic drug that fulfils momentary pleasures, for purposes, I hesitate to even speak of. Just one of this woman's wicked self-justifications, like "at the extreme end of pleasure one ascends to the gate of god." Why do you need something like that?

...Clearly the Ten Thousand Colored Stagnation is a dangerous code cast. Since the network became the basis of human society, this power to control others through it is essentially the power to rule the world. However, right now we have no choice but to rely on that taboo. I explain to Kiara that the student council room has been hacked by Meltlilith, and we need the Ten Thousand Colored Stagnation in order to save Sakura.

Kiara: .........that's most troubling. I certainly understand what you're saying, but...my nature truly is problematic, isn't it...

Kiara Sesshouin turns her gaze downward, looking troubled. ...I guess her hesitation is natural. After all, not only am I asking her about the existence of a code cast that's considered the greatest crime in virtual history, I'm asking her to lend it to me.

Kiara: Ummm...what would this do for me? Of course, I would love to be of help to you, Hakuno, but...in compensation, well...

...Compensation? Is she saying that there's nothing in it for her? No, I am asking her to hand over one of her possessions. It's natural to expect something in return. ...but still, I never expected to hear something like that from her. Kiara Sesshouin is always taking a philosophical perspective on things. She has a kind of resolution, a level of enlightenment beyond the aspirations of an ordinary person like me, transcending good or evil — that's how I've always thought of her. So for her to do something as worldly as to refuse a request because she wouldn't get anything for it —

Andersen: There's no need to be surprised. The long and short of this is that while this witch can save and kill, hundreds of millions of people if it satisfies her own ego, she won't lift a finger for someone who won't fulfil her own desire. It's like a child refusing to get out of bed. Perfectly happy to let you get in bed, but she won't want to get up even if you peel an apple for her!

Kiara: *sigh*...Mr. Andersen. Women won't like you if you keep speaking your mind so openly, you know?

Andersen: Hah, and why would I want the company of women who won't let me speak my mind! And who was it who would gratefully accept my insults in the first place?

Kiara: Heehee, that is true. The only one who can see all my true feelings is you. For this author of children's stories to fill that role, fate truly is an ironic thing. ...so, Andersen?

Andersen: I get it. You want me to give these kids something for their pains? ...really, is there no end to your dirtiness. Little lady. Sorry, but this is an order from my Master. We'll be heading out by the Labyrinth now. You can follow us if you want.

 You can follow us if you want

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