Entry 56: Much ado about clothing and lack thereof

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Warning! High alert!

[The dungeon paths wind around the shield like they did on Rin's last level, but on the other side the way is blocked by another one of the mechanical doors we saw earlier.]

The door's closed. There's nothing that looks like a switch nearby. ...I've got an extremely bad feeling about this...

Rani: Take it off now.

I was right! No more explanations left, I see!

Rani: You still have one piece of formal wear on. When all your formal wear is removed, this door will open. Your soul will be freed. Like the kingfisher flying to the northern heavens. Or like Artemis when Actaeon spied on her.

...there's no other option. We've come this far, we're not stopping now. I won't have the formal wear to provide back up, but as long as I have my Servant we can keep fighting.

[I remove the formal wear and the door opens.]

Rani: Now you've entered a casual, relaxed state in mind and body, see? Now then, please continue to enjoy your free exploration.

[We do so. In the process we find that ladder for Taiga, reach level 15 (stats still all D), and Gilgamesh learns another skill, "Enurta's Ash Oil," (for the life of me I can't find any other meaning for "ash oil") which can be used in battle to buff his physical attacks. We eventually reach a third metal door.]

Gilgamesh: Is this her checkmate? I shouldn't need to tell you, but it's time for the final tribute, mongrel.

.........I fear we've arrived in the area of the terminus of this layer. There's a sealed door before me. I don't see a switch to open it anywhere in the vicinity. —- I've got a really, extremely bad feeling about this.

Rani: Good work. I don't believe it's necessary for me to tell you what I require now?

......I don't have any more formal wear to take off, I reply. And I don't have any other extraneous equipment on me.

Rani: Feigning ignorance will not help you. If you wish to move past this point, you will strip promptly.

Rin: ...Hakuno. All I can do for you is to cut off our monitors for thirty minutes...I understand how you feel, but bear with it.

Ugh, that's easy for you to say from your position...! It was stupid to remove all my formal wear. In the end, I'll still have to take off my clothes and let everyone see me in my underwear —

Rani: No, your clothing is fine as it is. I have no interest in simple nudes.

Gilgamesh: ...mm. It's not something I would say myself, but it is...sinful.

Rani: Please remove *only your underwear.* Then this door will open.

Wha —- what —-!?

Rani: The final bastion of morality within you. The common knowledge that is so painful to understand. Destroying that is my orders from Atlas — namely, underwear – is – forbidden.

Jinako: Ooh, an Atlas employee spoke out. Those guys really live in the future, don't they?

Rani: If you do not fulfil this requirement, this door will not open. That will be all from me. I have great hopes for your spirit of self-denial.

...the silence is painful. It's so awkward I unintentionally turn my eyes toward Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh: Mm? What are you so confused by? Why shouldn't my Master have to remove one or two undergarments? As my contractor, you should have no trouble stripping three times.

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