A Life Beyond

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No one could have ever predicted the kind of life Stef and Lena Adams Foster would have. And from the very beginning they were two polar opposites that fate allowed to fall in love. From inmates in Chowchilla who once shared a cell to their little home in Sacramento that they shared with their kids, the love they built over time was like no other and one a few thought would never last. But it was lasting and would forever.

This deep love they had for each other, their family, extended family and friends almost came naturally and no matter what life had thrown at them in the last year they had fought it, and surpassed the odds along with Callie who was doing just as well in her first ever romantic relationship. Pete had proven to be a good guy, a real keeper and gentleman. Sure he was still scared to death of Stef but he tried his best to relax in her presence. However, he came over often, hung out with the family including Callie's little girl which he could see was a handful but that didn't deter him. Not one minute for his feelings for Callie were very strong and young Callie was feeling things for him she never had for anyone else. Was it love? She wasn't sure but she confided in both her mothers about it who both wanted the best for her. Even Stef surprised Lena for she actually did like Pete and spoke to him many times about her daughter. Good conversations that the young man took to heart.

Stef, during her time out of prison, learned many things weren't worth it including running the Lion's Den from outside, hanging out with and making  plans with certain people from her criminal past, and threatening people in the manor that she was so use to. Of course she wouldn't change who she was but she would try to put a cap on certain things that could potentially get out hand. Yes, it had been difficult but she would continue to learn and grow as time went on.  Lena was patient in that manner for she knew it was difficult for her wife but she too made adjustments in regards to some of the behavior she learned in prison.  Callie would only follow in their footsteps and would soon look for other employment, possibly working with pregnant teens. The only issue Callie would continue to struggle with were her siblings and she would soon learn her sister needed more help than anyone would ever realize. Alice, was headed down a destructive path and Callie would try to do anything to save her.

Now with their hard work paying off and coming into the light they were grateful. Grateful beyond words for they had gotten their kids back, they had built their family, a home from the ground up, and were making their dreams come true. Lena was besides herself for a few days after Stef's interview Katelyn had called saying they both had the jobs they interviewed for and that it would start in a month.  There was no excitement like this one for Lena's dream was finally coming true as well as a dream for her wife. A dream Stef didn't even realize she wanted.

"I knew it baby! I knew you had it!" Stef said grabbing her wife and swinging her around the tiny kitchen. The kids were excited as well and jumped around clapping and cheering for both women as Lena kissed her wife's lips over and over.

"Me?! But you too Mama Tiger! You got it too baby! Babies both me and mommy got our jobs we wanted!!"

"Yay! Yay!" They cheered as Callie hugged both her mothers along with little Frankie, Noah, Jude and baby Stef. Of course the little ones had no idea what was going on but Jude and Callie did and the young boy felt tears in his eyes.

"What's wrong Jude? You ok my love?" Stef said noticing her son wiping his tears as both her and Lena looked to the young you.

"Yeah. I'm ok. I am. I'm just really proud of you mom. I'm so proud of you." Stef could only smile at her son as she pulled him in for a hug along with Lena. "I love you moms."

"We love you too my boy. We love you so much." The entire family could only join in as they held each other so close.

This was one of the best moments for them as they were no longer on parole and that only widened their world and options. Stef could now take her wife on that little overnight trip she had been planning for months and they  no longer had a nightly curfew. It all put  an ease to their new lives.

Miss Rose too was basking in her new life with Stuart as their wedding was only a few weeks away and it was a day the family would never forget. Even the older woman herself had doubts she would ever be this happy again, that she would ever find such an amazing man and family. But she had and they would remain together for as long as life would let them.

Sadly, Mike and Judy had filed for divorce and the cop had moved out into his own apartment. Mariana however, remained with Judy while Peaches was living in a rehab center and doing the best to recover. Her condition over the last few months had not gotten any better and it was looking as if she would never be able to care for Mariana. Only a miracle could help and even then the odds were slim. What would happen to the young girl no one was quite sure but right now the family took care of Mariana the best they knew now.  She enjoyed them and felt comfortable with them, thankfully, as her family tried to tell her as much about Peaches as they could. Of course she had seen her mother but it wasn't the same and it was difficult for the little four year old to process.

The fate of Roxanne Foster was one that continued to haunt Stef for her sister was charged with 15 years for attempted murder and Stef had gone to the trial to witness it. Of course Roxy had seen her while they cuffed her and lead her back to prison. But by some miracle Chowchilla was full and she was sent to another prison. It was only her luck for she had dodged yet another bullet and it only increased the blonde's frustration among many others.

As the family was enjoying a summer barbeque it was nice that they could still enjoy each other as Judy came with Mariana, Mama Rose, and Mike helped grill along with his nephew, Pete and Stuart. Lena could only sit on her wife's lap as they sipped on beers watching their babies run around giggling and having the time of their lives along with Callie. Both could only think back to the year they had as Lena looked into her wife's eyes.

"We did it baby. We did this you and me." Cupping her wife's cheek the slim woman smiled as Stef softly kissed her lips.

"We did. Along with the help from our crazy family." Stef said laughing.

"I love you Stefanie Marie. From now until forever." Lena could only continue to smile as she gently rubbed her wides cheek once again.

"I love you too baby. And let's continue to live this amazing life. MM?"

"Always." Leaning in again the two softly kissed as an all to familiar friend walked into their backyard. One no one would ever expect to see. At least not yet and a wide smile could only form on the young teens face as she saw both Stef, Lena, Callie and the rest of the little family. 

"Moms!"  She yelled happily as Stef turned around to see Tracey who was smiling from ear to ear. The blonde could not believe it, she could not and neither could Lena or Callie for she had almost another four years left. "Hi moms! I got out early!"

"Trac! Oh my god baby! My love my love!!" Stef yelled as her and Lena ran over to the young teen as did Callie for their life couldn't get any better. It really couldn't and even if Tracey was terrified of this new life she no longer felt any fear. None at all and from what she saw she had a family that soon would take her in and let her into their hearts. This was her life beyond as well as the entire Adams Foster clan.



That's the end of this book! It was a real pleasure to write but we are not done! We will jump a few years ahead in the next installment called, A Life Deserved!

A Life Beyond (Hard Time Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now