Unfortunate Nights

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It was one of those nights where things lined up perfectly for some and unfortunately for other. Around the time Stef and Lena finished a movie with Callie who enjoyed her date with Pete, the blonde had put the babies to bed as well as Mariana for Peaches wouldn't be back until 10 to pick her up. Sometimes, Stef told her to just go home and she would drop Mariana in the morning but tonight she planned on picking her up for New Years Eve was the next day and she wanted to spend most of it with her little girl. On nights when Stef wasn't working the night shift  Peaches called her around 930 to pick her  which was perfect because the blondes parole curfew along with Lena and Callie's was 11 on non work nights. This left her just enough time to pick her up, drop her home and return home herself. Mike often picked her up as well or Mama Rose if the blonde was working since Lena wasn't able to. 

With Mike dropping Jude off at 8 from their day watching a baseball game the night was just like any other night except it wasn't. It wasn't by any means because this night would turn out different. Different in a way that could and would break your heart for around the time Peaches would usually call for Stef to pick her up she didn't. She never called and all three women passed out in front of the TV with no idea of the time.

Stef by mere instinct woke up confused to the credits of Forrest Gump as Callie's head was in her lap and Lena rested on her arm. Quickly grabbing her cell she was surprised to see it was past 1AM and soon realized Peaches never called or she saw no missed call or text. Growing worried she rang the young woman's cell along with the diner to have a waitress tell her Peaches left at 930. The woman didn't see her with anyone but regardless of that it alarmed the blonde.

Immediately she called her brother even if she knew he was at work but got no answer. Still she left a frantic voicemail and text soon dialing Mama Rose and Judy. Neither woman heard from her and Judy offered to ride around looking along with Stuart and Miss Rose's son. That relieved her to some extent but Stef knew where Peaches was even if she didn't want it to be true. This left her heart racing, her breathing intensifying and her nerves rattled. Peaches Foster was with Roxy without a doubt.

During her frantic calls Lena woke up along with Callie who made a few calls as well. But they too knew and realize that Peaches was most likely with Roxy as well no matter how badly they didn't want that to be a fact.  With no other choice and not being able to go out looking themselves Stef dialed 911  sending the cops to Roxy's home. They just hoped they had enough time.

"Fuck this fucking parole curfew shit!! Just fuck it!" Stef yelled pacing around the living room as Lena's nerves were just as rattled along with Callies.

"Baby ssh we don't want to wake the kids. Ok. I know your upset we all are."

"I'm fucking beyond worried Lena. I'm, do you think she went there? Do you? I mean why on earth would she? She was doing well, I mean despite being pregnant she was doing well and enjoying life. Why would she do it?" Sitting down as she ran her fingers through her long blonde hair Stef could only sigh for she as at her wits end. She was so worried she could barely breath as Lena rubbed her back and Callie held her hand. Right now they needed to support one another but continued to feel so helpless and realized the limits of their freedoms at times like this.

"I don't know baby but I hope not. I do but, I don't know. You know how hard this can be I mean you do. But I would like to think she is not there. Even if we all sort of know that she is."

"Why didn't she call? No text, no nothing! I have a bad feeling in my gut baby. A bad one." Lena could only let out a sigh as she looked to her wife and she had a similar bad feeling floating around her stomach and mind as well for the truth was they were right. 

Earlier that night Roxy had infact shown up at the diner begging, pleading and just wanting to talk to her wife while she still refused to sign the divorce papers. She was hoping to convince her that things had changed, that she changed and was willing to put aside the fact that she had seen her wife with Stef and Lena. That betrayal hurt but she wanted her and needed her back in her life regardless of how Peaches felt.

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