Christmas (Part II)

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Christmas night had come and the entire family had arrived at the tiny little home as they all sat around the table that was decorated by Lena and Mama Rose. There was enough food for days as it consisted of ham, roast beef, lasagna, fish, rolls and vegetables. Of course Mike and Judy brought a few dishes along with Stuart and Mama Rose. Peaches also made one of her favorite desserts as well that she wanted to share with the family. It was all beautiful to say the least and smelled amazing.

Holding hands as Mama Rose began the dinner prayer Lena sat at the head of the table being that Stef and the babies saw her as the matriarch of the family. Which she really was. Even if she believed Stef kept the family together and in line it was really her who did and everyone knew that even when they were in jail it was Lena who held down the Lions Den being the glue. Nothing had changed and her strength, wisdom, love and affection had grown significantly. With her wife sitting right beside her holding her hand tightly Lena smiled at her as she too put her head down and closed her eyes like the rest of the family.

"Let us bow our heads now and bless this food and this amazing beautiful family that we have here.  I will make this short and sweet because I know we are all starving and want to eat this delicious food that was made by our beautiful Lena." Mama Rose began as the blonde couldn't help but look around at the table at her family. From Jude, to Callie, baby Stef, Frankie, Noah, Mama Rose, Stuart, Mike, Judy, Mariana, Peaches and of course at her own wife who looked at her and smiled. 

"I love you." Lena mouthed.

"I love you too." Stef mouthed back holding her hand even tigher.

"Thank you lord for bringing all of us together tonight and together as a family. May we continue to be close and may you continue to watch over all of us each and everyday. May you continue to watch over all these beautiful babies, and my two beautiful girls. My daughters Stefanie Marie and Lena Elizabeth for they took this home that was barely anything and made it beautiful, warm, inviting and filled with nothing but love. And they have continued to make it more then that and have opened their home graciously. I wish them and this family nothing but good things. On that note let's eat. Amen." Baby Stef could only giggle happily as she had on the little bracelet Lena got her that said Stefanie Marie on it.

"Amen." Everyone said as the blonde looked to Mama Rose who winked at her and she smiled so wide back at her.

"Thank goodness I'm starved!" Jude said loading his plate up as everyone laughed as Stef shook her head.

"What the hell else is new! I swear babe we are gonna need to pump his stomach tonight. Watch and see!"

"You might be right." Lena laughed gently grabbing her wife's hand and kissing it."I'm so happy right now baby. Look at this table. Isn't it beautiful everyone around it?"

"It is my love. Very much so." Kissing Lena's hand back the family loaded their plates and ate while chatting happily with each other. Jude of course ate more then anyone but Mike wasn't too far behind. Peaches chatted with Mama Rose and Stuart as the babies happily giggled and ate like never before. Jude talked his uncles ear off as both Stef and Lena took in the sounds and sites of their family together eating quietly but holding hands under the table. It was only last year this time they were in Chowchilla behind bars, locked in cells and eating cold turkey with the rest of the prison and missing their children terribly.

What Stef remembered  was how she cried every single Christmas in the almost six years she spent in Chowchilla and  how Roxy had been there to comfort her.  She had held her many times trying to calm her soul and convince her she wasn't a bad mother and they would give little gifts to each other and try to enjoy the holiday. Most of those nights they stayed up talking about any and everything telling old stories about who they robbed, scared and stole from. They also promised they would remain close no matter what happened and no matter who got out.

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