Are You?

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A few days after Christmas and after talking to Judy I decided to stop by my brothers just to have a chat. Well more then a chat for I needed to see what was going on and what was not. Lena didn't believe Mike would ever cheat on Judy much less with Peaches but I wasn't 100 percent sure.  I wasn't even 100 percent sure he would be honest but I'd try and grill his ass like no other.  And Peaches was not off the hook either for I would surely grill her ass as well.

Exiting my car I knew it was a good day to stop by for my kids were still over my place for the entire Christmas break, Judy was at work and Mike had just gotten home himself. My wife warned me that if I did stop by not to ram all over him, and I would try as I rang the bell. Opening it a few short moments later he still had his uniform on looking surprised at me.

"Hey sis what's up? Come in."

"Nothing much. Bad time?"

"No not at all. Just heating up my breakfast. Want to join me, want some coffee?"

 "Coffee sounds good. Only if you have." 

"Sure. Judy made some before she left. Have a seat."

"Thanks." Taking a seat I looked around at the beautifully decorated kitchen and the pictures of my kids on the fridge along with a few of Frankie's drawings. I could only smile as my brother took a seat beside me and handing me a cup of coffee. They really did have a beautiful home that I knew my brother worked hard to get for it was always his goal.  A family, with a wife, kids and something he could call his. This was why part of me didn't want to believe he was sleeping with Peaches. It seemed unlike him. But considering him and Judy were having issues it wasn't unlikely even if it was really out of character for him.

"So what do I owe this visit Stef? Kids misbehaving?" He joked.

"Oh they are fine and they know to behave with me or their asses become mine." I joked back. "Mind if I smoke?"

"No it's fine. And I bet they do. They are definitely more scared of you then me."

"Ha no way!"

"Are you kidding me! They dam sure are. But they are good kids. Great kids."

"That they are. So um thanks for dropping Peaches home last night and you know helping with her."

"Yeah it's no problem. She's come along way and you know wants to keep getting her life together. The main thing is we keep her away from Roxy and realize she doesn't need her. Because that woman is a trip Stef."

"Yeah don't I know it. Have you had any issues with Roxy?"

"No not lately. She's laying low. But that unnerves me too."

"Yeah, but um anyway....So um you and Peach hang alot?" I asked taking a puff as he continued to eat his food.

 "Hang? Not really I mean I help her with grocery shopping and give her a ride to and from work sometimes. She did alot with her place sis. Decorated it nice."

"So you've been inside?"

"Yeah I told you when I help her grocery shop I bring the bags in for her. Fixed the toilet for her a few weeks ago."

"Did you now? Is that all?"

"What do you mean?" He asked now looking to me confused.

"You know what I mean Mike."

"No Stef I don't."

"Seriously do I have to fucking spell it out."

"Yeah you do because I hope it's not what I think."

"Ok fine, are you fucking her?"

"Stef come on. What in the hell kind of question or accusation is that! You know I'm not like that."

"Yeah but I also know you have a dick and you always liked her."

"Stef, first off I'm married."

"Ok yeah alot of people are married it doesn't stop them."

"Second I love my wife, and third Peaches is far too young! I mean how can you even suggest that I'm sleeping with her!"

"Because Mike. You seem really comfortable with her and she is super comfortable around you. She likes you and always has."

"Look, even if she was interested no Stef. I love Judy. She is a great woman and I'd never do anything to ruin our marriage."

"Yeah, she knows that?"

"Of course. Why did she say something to you?"

"No she didn't. But if I'm suspicious about you and Peaches you don't think she is?"

"Christ. Look I'm just trying to help that poor girl. You asked me to watch her."

"Yes I did but I didn't tell you to fuck her and get her pregnant."


"Yeah pregnant. You didn't know?"

"No I didn't know."

"Are you the father Mike? I mean lets be honest." I said taking a puff as I could see his anger growing.

"Stef how many times or different ways can I tell you! I'm not sleeping with her I've never slept with her and I don't plan on it. And of course it's not my kid! I mean what is it gonna take for you to understand that!"

"Just fucking relax Mike! Jesus fucking christ!"

"No Stef I can't ok! How dare you accuse me of that!"

"Look I was going by what I saw! Ok! She is vulnerable as fuck!"

"Yeah I know she is and you should know I'd never take advantage of her like that, I know she is ok?"

"Do you? She flirted with you didn't she?"

"Stef come on."

"Mike I'll find out sooner or later! She flirted with you I know it."

"Look she's a good kid. She's trying, and I know she's scared and lonely. But that's all Stef. I swear to you. I am not sleeping with her. I'm trying to save my marriage." It was then I saw tears form in my brothers eyes one's I never expected to see ever. "I love her Stef. I love Judy so much and I don't know what's happening. I don't think I make her happy anymore."

"Oh love." Hugging my brother he really cried, he really did, and I had no idea how upset he really was over this. None and I didn't realize their problems were this bad. "Mike, I'm sorry I didn't know it was this bad. I didn't love." Pulling away he took a sip of his coffee glancing at me.

"It wasn't. But I think my focus is elsewhere. I don't know Stef. All this shit with dad it's just, its making me crazy." Running his fingers through his thick hair he let out a sigh. "Stef I always wanted this. You know a family and to make my wife happy. Despite all this other shit."

"Mike you are. Everyone has setbacks. It doesn't mean any of it is over love. And dad, he, he treated you like shit. Don't let him get to you even now. Even if he is dead in the ground don't let him. He was the real coward, he was the real piece of shit. Not you. Listen, why don't you and Judy go away somewhere."

"Too much stuff to do Stef around here. I can't..

"You can and you will. Go Mike. Go. You and Judy love each other and every couple needs time to reconnect and get away from the stress. Go."


Do you guys believe Mike?

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