Son Time

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"Mom where does this one go?"  Jude asked as he was helping his mom stock the shelves at one of stores that early morning. It was barely 6AM but he had gotten up with her like he did every Sunday morning to deliver and stock baked goods to a few stores after her cab shift ended. Stef was grateful for the time with him and happy he enjoyed going with her. It made her feel as if she could make up some of the lost time from being in jail and really get to know her son a little more. Home could get hectic with all the babies and Stef made it a point to spend time with him alone especially the older he got. Truth was she didn't know much about raising a boy and was thankful her and her brother agreed to raise him together along with Lena. He needed a positive male in his life, well all her babies died.

"Um shelf two. With the other muffins baby."


"You know Jude not for nothing but I love that you come with me sweet boy. It's really special to me and yeah I know it's fuck ass early but I love you being here with me."

"I like it too mom. It's pretty cool you got all these stores to yourself?"

"Ha yeah in some sense. But I gotta make sure I do my job ya know? Can't be slacking around and shit..I mean. Crap you know what I mean."

"Yeah I do. " He giggled. "But are you tired? Since you drove all night?"

"A bit. But I'll take a nap and be all good." Stocking the rest of the shelf Jude grabbed a few more boxes filling up the bottom part. "So tell me is it crazy living in the house? I mean with all us women? I know you don't have your own room yet but we are working on it sweets. I mean once you move in I don't want you to be in the living room forever I hope you know."

"Yeah it's fine mom I mean it doesn't bother me. I have my own room all week at uncle Mike's and I gotta tell you it's super quiet there."

"Well um is the quiet easier for you? Do you get more work done?"

"Sometimes it's too quiet. I mean I like hanging with uncle Mike and I like hanging with you and Mama Lion and the little babies. Callie is cool. We watch movies at night when you guys go to bed or if your working overnight."

"Yeah? The blonde asked smiling.


"That's nice sweetheart. I'm glad you get along."

"Yeah we do  and you know plus when your working at night I can watch over Mama Lion and the babies. You know make sure they are ok and no one tries to hurt them."

"Who would try to hurt them love?"

"I heard about Roxy. And I want you to know you don't have to worry when I'm home with them. I won't let her hurt them. I know she is bullying Callie and being a pain in the ass. I'm not scared of her either ma. I know you told me never to lay my hands on a woman but she's not going near any of you."

Looking at her son Stef soon put the box of cookies down as she rested both her hands on her son's shoulders for here they were again and Stef knew it was in his nature to feel this way. To feel as if he had to protect all of them for he was very much like her and very much like his uncle if she was honest. It wasn't a bad quality but she wanted him to be a kid, to feel free and enjoy his youth.

"Jude, that's not your job. You hear me? Your job is to be my son, to be a kid and enjoy life. I put you through enough when you were little forcing you to basically protect me in some sense.  But not anymore baby. I protect you, I protect our family and you do not have to worry about Roxy. I am handling that along with uncle Mike. Hear me?"

"Yeah but I just want to help, I want to keep you all safe too."

"Baby I keep you safe, Mama Lion keeps you safe and your uncle and Judy. We keep you safe not the other way around sweet boy. Yes, as an older brother to Frankie, Noah and Baby Stef I know you will protect them which we are grateful for because you are such a good brother. You really, really are but you don't need to protect the adults. How can I get you to understand that baby? MM? Or maybe it's just in your nature." She said smiling and stroking the side of his face.

"I think it's in my nature mom, but if you need I can help too. No one's gonna hurt my sisters and brother you or Mama Lion. No one especially not that fat heffer trash."

"Oh man do you have my mouth." The blonde laughed as Jude let out a grin. "But one thing I want to tell you my love is I don't want you to ever feel like I'm taking you from your uncle. I know you love him and I know you enjoy spending time with him and that doesn't have to change ever. Y'all still go to the same school, and you can stay over his place anytime you want. I never want you to feel like I'm fucking forcing you."

"I don't feel forced mom. But thanks for letting me know it would still be cool to stay over at his place and hang out with him."

"Of course. Anytime you can. Listen, your uncle raised you for the last six years and he did a very good job. I'm proud of who you are, what you have become and are becoming. A real little man which scares the shit out of me. But makes me so happy at the same time. You my love are the son I've always, always wanted and I hope you know how much I love you."

"I know you do. I love you too mom." He blushed.

"Yeah? I had a feeling." Winking at him she kissed his forehead.

"But if someone dares tries to break into our house or something I'm not backing down. I won't ma."

"Ha yeah like I didn't know that." She laughed. "Ever think of a career in law enforcement?" She joked stocking a few more shelves as the young boy looked at her.

"Actually yeah. I'm gonna go to college first, maybe study English and Literature. Then when I graduate maybe do what uncle Mike does. I go to work with him sometimes and, well, would you be mad? Like that I..."

"Why would I be mad love?"

"Well I know that um..

"Because I was in jail and didn't live a straight life? Do you feel as if your betraying me or something by wanting to become a cop?"

"Sort of."

"Love. I am happy to hear what you want to be because it's a good path you are choosing. A very good one and far, far away from what I chose thank god. If that's what you want to be I support you. Always. But you be it and do the best you can. No half assed shit."

"Never. I just want to protect people mom. Keep them safe. I do."

"I know my love. I know, you have been that way since you were a little boy. Now how about we finish up here and grab some breakfast. Sound good?"

"Yeah." Stef could only smile at her son who was growing more and more each day. And of course she wasn't upset about what he wanted to be. She was relieved that he would be on the right side of the law.


Jude wants to be like his uncle :) Seems he will lead a straight path.

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