Christmas Night

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"I'll help you clean Stef I don't mind."

"You sure?" I said to Judy as the rest of the table had gotten up and was sitting by the TV chatting. We didn't want any of them to lift a finger even if that was hard to convince them of and I didn't want Lena cleaning a damm thing either. She had done enough, cooked enough, cleaned enough and planned enough.

"Yes, honestly let me help. I really don't mind. You and Lena did so much."

"Ahh we don't mind love."

"I know but let me help. I insist."

"Alright sister in law scrub away. I'll wash you dry."

"Sure." She said in a rather somber mood which was unlike her.

"Is everything ok love? Something the matter?"

"Me? Oh no I'm fine. Maybe had a bit too much to drink and have been working alot but I'm ok."

"Yeah? I don't know you seem fucking off to me. What's up?"

"Nothing." She said drying one of the dishes I handed her as she was clearly avoiding my eyes.

"Judy I'm a fucking human lie detector. I can tell if someone is bullshitting me or not. I had no choice but to acquire that fucking skill when I ran shit for my father and in jail. So spill." Hearing her let out a sigh she glanced to me and looked around to make sure no one was close by. Judy was such a private person and barely said anything which we pretty much had in common. Getting her to admit something was like pulling teeth at times because she had this obsession with tying to be perfect. I got it but she had to understand that I was there for her no matter what.

"I think I'm just being paranoid Stefanie."


"Well I don't want to speak badly."

"About who?"

"Um your brother."

"You're not. Spill what the fuck is wrong?"

"Well, Mike and I have been arguing alot lately. Not in front of the kids we are fine when they are around but when we are alone it's, it's not good."

"Oh love. I mean that's apart of relationships and marriage. I'm sure it will be fine honey. What are they about if you don't mind me asking?"

"I don't know this feels different. I mean we have had our issues and solved them. But it's different and it's about any and everything."

"Yeah? Like?"

"I don't know Stef. I don't know if I'm enough for him anymore. I'm not young, I can't have children, I...

"Fuck that. You are beautiful, sweet, kind and amazing Judy.  I mean has he given you any indication you are no longer any of those things to him?"

"He's your brother I....

"Yeah I know he is but spill it. Is he being a dick?"

"No. He's just been very distant and um, well, uninterested."

"Uninterested how? You mean he doesn't want to fuck?"

"Well, not really. I said too much."

"No you haven't Judy. It's fine honey."

"I mean I think it has to do with your father passing and the will, and Roxy and the stress of work and..." She said stopping as Peaches soon walked in and I smiled at the young woman but noticing how off Judy had become once again.

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