Crazy Sunday

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Sunday morning with the babies could always be a little crazy especially when my wife was asleep for it was during that time they usually liked to make the most noise no matter how hard I tried to keep them quiet. Even taking them outside didn't always help for they would run around like crazy having the time of their lives. Of course that's what we wanted for them but I also wanted to make sure my wife got some amount of sleep even if she said hearing them giggling and laughing  often helped her fall asleep. However, this particular morning they seemed much louder then usual.

"Mama Lion can I have another pancake?" Frankie asked as I poured her more juice while sitting Noah on my lap and feeding him breakfast. Our little Frankie girl was such a little trooper and sweet as pie.  Even if she could be be easily distracted in the morning between asking us a million questions and wanting to watch cartoons we adored her and she was growing by the minute. Long gone were the days she would cry for hours as a result of missing her mother because the custody right now until Stef could get her rights back was working well for us and her. With Stef picking her up Friday afternoons and dropping her off Monday mornings to school Frankie seemed to adjust to it rather well until she could move in with us permanently.

Of course once all the kids moved in we would have to make some changes especially in term of sleeping arrangements. Thankfully Mike was going to build a tiny room for Jude off the living room which would allow another bedroom. We were really grateful for him for Mike was really proving to be such an angel which I never really expected based on how he was having before.  But he was and him and Judy continued to be life savers along with Miss Rose.  

My wife and I figured Frankie and baby Stef could eventually get bunk beds while Callie continued to share a room with them. Noah could sleep in our room with his playpen or continue to be in the girls room. Eventually he could move into the little room with Jude. We weren't entirely sure yet how things would play out but we knew the babies loved to play musical beds during the night and Frankie was the biggest offender. Sometimes she ended up in the bed with Callie, or on the air mattress with her brother for we figured she was up watching movies with him. Mostly however we woke up to find her right in between me and my wife.  A few times Stef asked Mike if she was like that at his home and he said a times he found her downstairs watching TV late at night and my wife admitted she was the same as a kid.  Of course we couldn't let her do that and Mike had been trying himself to stop it so that she could have a restful sleep.  But as Frankie would grow older and into a teen it was habit we could never truly break for she was just like her mother and didn't need much sleep.

 "Yes sweetheart of course. But finish up because Nana Rose will be here very soon to take you to kids chorus ok? I picked your clothes out so all you have to do is put them on and let me finish your hair."

"Ok. Can I wear my shorts?"

"No. When you get home you can change right into them but not to church. And it's very cold."

"Ok, but I don't get cold."

"I know you are like your mother. She doesn't get cold either. But I promise when you get home you can wear them. Deal?"

"Ok." Smiling and eating the additional pancake I gave her I held my little boy feeding him a few more bites of his.

"Want some more babyboy mm?"

"Yes." He cooed taking another bite as I kissed his soft little head.

"Look at this long hair you have sadly I need to cut it."

"No leave it. He's so cute with it. Plus mom loves it."Callie said smiling as she held her little girl who was happily munching away.

"I know she does. But you don't think he looks like a girl?" I laughed smoothing his long hair.

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