Losing Battles

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It was safe to say sometimes even Stef forgot how tough her wife was as Lena had gotten home that night her knee hurting a tiny bit from the altercation with Roxy. She didn't give a shit though for it had been worth it and she was tired of the woman's shit.  She really was and would it cost her her job? Nope. Was she worried about it nope? Did she worry that Roxy might retaliate? Nope she didn't and if Roxy even tried, which she would try, the overweight woman's life would be over in a heartbeat.

Roxy was infact really digging her own grave as she continued to carelessly spend the 50,000 her father left her acting as if it was a million dollars. Peaches begged her to save some of it for she had never seen that much money in her life and they could use it to fix up their home among other things.  Of course Roxy refused telling the woman she could do what she wanted with it even gambling a good amount of it away. Sure she got the woman a ton of clothes, mostly designer and Mariana a fancy bike but even Peaches at her young age found it useless. It was nice to get nice things but she wanted more than that but was far too scared to say anything else for Roxy had already smacked her for it.  Many times but Peaches was grateful Roxy was hardly home for Either she was at work, the casino, meeting and sleeping with her other girlfriends who she was spending the money on as well, or at strip clubs. It was a disaster to say the least and it was shocking that she still had not violated her parole. 

Of course her little altercation with Lena in the bathroom pissed her the fuck off as she thought more and more of how she was going to fuck up her sisters life. With Mike watching her and threatening her with a restraining order it was a pain in the ass but eventually she figured she would get her, Lena and Callie for she was hoping they would fuck up and get sloppy. It was too bad no one saw Lena assaulting her in the bathroom for that was a parole violation for sure but with no cameras she couldn't prove it.  Plus Roxy wasn't a snitch and had other ways of revenge. Sure she knew where they lived and it was often a home that was crowded when she passed by with Peaches who loved it and sometimes saw the happy kids playing in the yard. She loved it and wanted that for her little girl mentioning to her wife that maybe her and Stef could reconcile. That of course did not go over well and Roxy beat her for an hour after that and the young woman never mentioned it again. Ever.

With Christmas approaching soon she decided maybe she would take Mariana and Peaches to see Santa and possibly get a tree. Of course that idea died and was cut short when she realized a good portion of her money was missing as she counted it in the bedroom. Where the fuck was it she thought as Peaches came into the room to fold the laundry. Instantly Roxy grew furious as she yanked the woman by her long black hair banging her head on the dresser.

"You fucking steal from me bitch! You steal from me?!"

"Steal what? No, no I never touched your money I swear it?"

"No! You tell me how 10,000 is missing! Where the fuck is it?! What you stealing it to start a new life and leave me? HUH!" She yelled into the womans face as blood trailed down Peaches forehead.

"No, I didn't touch it I swear, I swear Roxy. I swear. Please."

"Please nothing! Please nothing! You steal from me you pay! And you are gonna fucking pay you little cunt!"

"Leave my mommy! Leave her alone." Mariana  yelled pushing the older woman as Roxy grew angry pushing the little girl to floor.

Of course Peaches stole 10,000 from her and it was only a few days before Roxy would get robbed. But Preaches stole because she did want to leave her. She did and had planned too that morning but the woman had come back earlier then Peaches expected. That proved to be a costly mistake for Roxy beat her the worst she ever had causing the woman to roam the streets looking for any place her and her daughter could find that night. Any for she couldn't return to her father.

A Life Beyond (Hard Time Series Book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt