Thanksgiving Eve

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"She tripped her?! Are you fucking kidding me!!" Stef yelled as the two were cutting up apples for the pie and the blonde nearly got out of her seat as Lena pulled her arm to sit back down for both Frankie, and baby Stef were in ear shot watching a holiday movie on the couch along with little Noah. Callie had gone to the store to pick up a few more things for the pie she was making and Judy would be by shortly to drop Jude off despite the fact that her and Mike had gotten into one hell of a fight. 

"Ssh. Relax I am handling it and her. Please sit my love."

"Lena I am going to...

"I already will and I am. That fat cow fails to remember things and thinks she is very good at mind games." Lena whispered sipping on her beer as Miss Rose walked into the tiny home with a bag of peaches and yams. 

"Still I'm gonna ring her fucking neck. How mother fucking dare she? Why didn't you tell me?"

"First off Mama Bear calm down. And I told you I will handle it and I am handling it. You focus on the babies." She winked as Miss Rose took a seat with them. 

"Who's neck do you plan on ringing my dear?"

"Who else." Stef responded rolling her eyes as she pealed another apple. "Found out that bitch has been trying to harass Callie and tripped her."

"Oh lord. That woman is a damm menace. Someone really ought to just take her ass out."

"Ha listen to you mama!" The blonde said laughing as the older woman laughed herself.

"Yes I have rung a few necks back in my day honey."

"Let me find out." 

"You just might. Now do I need to go over her house?"

"Neither of you need to. I got it." Lena said once again shaking her head at both women. "I mean do you want to form the Lions Den on the outside or what?" She joked.

"Maybe so." The blonde winked as Miss Rose let out a smile but her face soon frowned when she saw how Stef was peeling the apples.

"Oh babydoll what are you doing? You are butchering those apples honey. Do I need to show you?" 

"No. What's wrong with em?" Stef asked looking at the apples she had peeled.

"You are suppose to peel not hack them."

"I'm not hacking them I'm peeling them mama."

"In what land is that peeling? Not in this one. Let me get you a proper tool because with the way you are doing it we won't have any apples left for this pie. Goodness lord child." Getting up from the tiny table Stef could only make a face and let out a sigh as she noticed her wife laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

"You, the both of you and your face. It's pretty priceless."

"Oh yeah? Well she's lucky I like her."

"Sure babe, and I don't think you like her you love her." Lena joked as the older woman returned to the table handing Stef a peeler.

"Now this here is an apple peeler. It should help. Lucky I brought it with me or we might have to go out and get more apples."

"Mama did you come over hear to bust my ass or what?" 

"Never baby. Besides that's what you have Lena for. Now peel away properly." The older woman could only smile as Lena let out a laugh and Stef stared at her.

"You are lucky I love you ya know?"

"Of course honey and I love you too." Grabbing the blondes hand she squeezed it tightly as Stef could only smile at her. "Very much."

A Life Beyond (Hard Time Series Book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें